Centre for Spiritual Renewal Podcast

Episode 002 - Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred

Centre for Spiritual Renewal

Episode 002 features an interview with the Director of the Indigenous Studies Program & Interim Dean of Vancouver School of Theology, Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred. The episode does not go into detail on (but does makes mention of) difficult topics such as: Alcoholism, Drug Addiction & Sexual Abuse. Links for Resources on each as well as a link to the school where Dr. Aldred works are provided below. 

Alcoholics Anonymous: https://aa.org/pages
Narcotics Anonymous: https://www.canaacna.org
Sexual Abuse: https://www.victimsinfo.ca/en/services/specific-crimes/sexual-assault

Vancouver School of Theology, Indigenous Studies Program: https://vst.edu/indigenous-studies-program/