Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

John Bruton & Rev Trevor Sergent share their thoughts at Knock novena (programme excerpt)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 9 Episode 43

The national Novena to Our Lady of Knock took place recently from 14 -22 August.  There was a very good line-up of speakers who took part and today we would like to play another two of the talks given. To start this week John Bruton speaks on the theme – Faith, future & Europe

John Bruton is a former Irish Fine Gael politician who served as Taoiseach from 1994 to 1997. He was also the EU Ambassador to the United States and held various other Leadership and Ministerial roles throughout his career.

So we invite you to listen to John and then we will play a short piece of instrumental music to allow time for some reflection

Our 2nd talk is given by Rev Trevor Sergent – who speaks on Faith in Action

Rev. Trevor Sargent is a Church of Ireland Minister and a former Irish Green Party politician who served as Minister of State for Food and Horticulture from 2007 to 2010 and Leader of the Green Party from 2001 to 2007. Trevor was ordained in 2018 and serves the parishes of the Waterford Union.