Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

SacredSpace102fm - Discerning vocations: Interview with Sr Caitriona Kavanagh, Limerick diocese vocations director - 18 July 2021 (S11E35)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 11 Episode 35

John and Shane are joined this week by Sr Caitriona Kavanagh who is Limerick dioceses vocations director. Sr Caitriona discusses the area of vocational discernment and in particular the call to priesthood in the diocesan context. She speaks to the steps involved in the journey of discernment, the resources available to assist in the process as well as the challenges that sometimes arise. In addition she notes that ultimately the response to the call for labourers in the vineyard of the Lord is a responsibility of both candidates for priesthood but also the faith communities from which they come and to whom they will serve.

For those looking for information on vocation and discernment please check out the Limerick diocese vocations page.

In addition we have our regular notices, saints of the week and of course our reflections on the Sunday gospel.