The Foyer

Latter-day Saints and Politics

Leonard J Arrington Chair at Utah State University Season 2 Episode 2

American society is deeply divided. Our political culture is as fractured and dysfunctional as at any time since the Civil War. Latter-day Saints have not been immune to this polarization, but there have also been voices calling for a return to the “better angels of our nature.” Joining us will be two of those voices speaking out in favor of a distinctively Mormon way of engaging politics. Judge Thomas Griffith is a former federal judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Before becoming a judge on the nation’s second-highest court, he was Senate Legal Counsel and General Counsel for Brigham Young University. Jennifer Walker Thomas is the co-Executive Director for Mormon Women for Ethical Government. She currently serves as an elected member of the town government in Belmont, Massachusetts.