Be Wise, Be Wild

Be wise, be wild with Sonja Sinz

Bianca Witte Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode I have the delight to talk to Sonja Sinz, entrepreneur, creative spirit and part of the new work network "Les Enfants terribles". 
Sonja is sharing her story of the dream career in corporate, climbing up all the ladders and being as successful as one can imagine...when she realized, she might live the dream of others. 
Her insights on how to realize the current path needs to be adjusted and reviewed by listening to your body and inner voice is truly inspiring.And I loved her hints how to overcome spontaneous reactions by using your finger tips. Something you might find helpful as well...
And in case you are interested to hear why Grandpa and a figure out of a childhood story, influenced her way till now - listen in and enjoy Sonja`s story.