The Leftover Pieces; Suicide Loss Conversations

My Best Friend died by Suicide; His Lasting Impact

Season 3 Episode 14

Today I talk to Nicolette Popa - or Nic as she is known to everyone who loves her. She is my son Alex's best friend ... so this one hits at home and is so very special for me to share. Nic shares her story and journey after suicide loss and how it has impacted her life every day since. You won't want to miss her story - she even shares her own personal story of coming out this past year as a lesbian and how that plays into her family life (as she is married with 2 sons). She recognizes how depression and suicide as ever-present in the LGBTQ+ community and feels like sharing her story can make an impact there as well. She is bold and brave and yet still soft and quishy! I love her so much and just know you will too. 

You can find her dancing her way into everyone's heart at the link below on Tik Tok

Nicolette's TikTok account
is amazingly real and unfiltered. I am so very proud of how she approaches her life with honesty and humor and great compassion. Alex would be so proud of her. I know he is looking in on her and her family often. AND - He would have LOVED TikTok!! 

My website "The Leftover Pieces; Rebuilding You" is LIVE and that means my different SUPPORT SPACE Options are available and much more will be coming in 2022

Go DIRECTLY to my  SUPPORT page here where yo9u will find ALL of the ways to connect and find support

My first two books (tools I am creating for you!) in the "Facing Life After Suicide" series are available on Amazon

If you, or someone you know, is struggling  with suicidal thoughts PLEASE reach out:
The National Suicide Lifeline is there for you

IN a crisis you can also TEXT--->
TEXT the word "HOME" to 741741 in the USA
in Canada TEXT 686868
in the UK TEXT 85258

And Grievers, I am always here. You can find me   at The Leftover Pieces

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