The Leftover Pieces; Suicide Loss Conversations

Allowing Her Loss to "Count"; How Art Became Laura's Therapy

October 18, 2021 Season 2 Episode 18

Laura lost her ex-boyfriend to suicide - does that "count"? Can she still grieve?  Is that "OK"? Well, OF COURSE IT IS! But Laura and I talk about her unique perspective and how the past four years have transformed her. There is a lot to unpack with this spirited English woman who now teaches art to children in Entebbe, Uganda.  She talks about stigmas, delayed grief and art as therapy. This is a powerful conversation. I am grateful for Laura being willing to share a part of herself with us.

You can find Laura on Instagram at Laura Avril Dove and also at her new Tambul Arts IG


 My brand NEW website "The Leftover Pieces; Rebuilding You" is LIVE and that means my 2 x/mo FREE SUPPORT GROUP is available AND my first coaching options are available. The first (3 month) group is planned to begin  NOVEMBER 3  and there  will be a new group begin every 10 weeks after.  There will be limited spots in each group so let me know if you want on the notify list! These groups will be one part community, one part discovery/growth. I believe these two things are intertwined for us in the earlier stages of grief especially.

Interested? Please DM me on Instagram or email me at anytime

The website will be at  (naturally, right?)

Please reach out to me if you know of someone that I should talk to or if you yourself would like to have a conversation around the suicide loss and grief space. Instagram is probably still the best way to contact me or directly through email. I am already scheduling people into this  FALL so it's not too soon to reach out!

If you, or someone you know, is struggling  with suicidal thoughts PLEASE reach out:
The National Suicide Lifeline is there for you

IN a crisis you can also TEXT--->
TEXT the word "HOME" to 741741 in the USA
in Canada TEXT 686868
in the UK TEXT 85258

And Grievers, I am always here. You can find me on  at The Leftover Pieces

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