Writer Mother Monster

Writer Mother Monster: Hilda Raz

February 18, 2022 Lara Ehrlich Season 1 Episode 45

Note: Due to technical difficulties, there may be moments of awkwardness in this interview. Apologies!

(February 17) Hilda Raz has been a director, award judge, and contributor in this country’s most prestigious poetry journals and contests. She has published 14 books as a poet, nonfiction writer, and editor, including the poetry collections include What Happens (2009), All Odd and Splendid (2008), Trans (2001), and Divine Honors (1997). Her current projects include a book of poems, List and Story and a nonfiction book about transitions. She was editor of the literary journal Prairie Schooner and served as president of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs. She lives in Placitas, New Mexico, where she works as the series editor for poetry at the University of New Mexico Press. She has two children in their fifties and describes writer-motherhood in 3 words as flexible, brave, collaborative.

Writer Mother Monster is a conversation series devoted to dismantling the myth of having it all and offering writer-moms solidarity, support, and advice as we make space for creative endeavors.

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