Drink Like a Lady Podcast

Season 3 Episode 2: How to Double Down on Your Customer Service Post-Pandemic

Joya Dass Season 3 Episode 2

Welcome back to our Second (2) Episode of 2021 Drink Like a Lady 

Last week, we looked back at 2020 and shared examples of companies, industries that GREW during the pandemic.

This week we focus on CUSTOMER SERVICE and how that has changed

Last week I interviewed the CEO and Founder of Silk + Sonder. She talked about doubling down on customer service. Your existing customers, this who already converted are GOLD

SO what’s changed about customer service

  1. 59% of consumers will care more about their customer experience than they did pre COVID when deciding which companies to support or buy from.
  2. And, if you are a business, this means that there is very little room for mistakes heading into 2021. ANY friction is a customer’s journey can cause a loss in potential revenue (Life time value of a customer), and a potential gain to competitors.When you consider that 80% of consumers will switch to another company after just ONE poor customer experience, this opens the door for companies to not only compete on pricing and product bu

What can you consider doing now: WE SHARE 3 KEY THINGS


  1. If in a company with a separate customer service department- you will need a GREATER FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF AGENT EXPERIENCE.

a) To be truly successful, companies need to see their agent experience as a valuable part of the customer experience.

b) The agent experience is defined as the view of how empowerment, efficient, and effective a company’s customer service agent is. As in the case with almost any department in a company, prioritizing your team and staying in touch with the employees and their morale is the only true way to ensure positive reactions from your customers.

c) It is as simple as this. Happy agents=happy customers.

d) How do you facilitate greater Agent Experience?  HERE'S HOW

  i.      Better tools in software programs

  ii.      Enhanced training

   iii.      More accessible customer data

  iv.      Specific and relevant feedback that’s based on context and specific conversations.

 v.      Clear process documentation and flexible guidelines that empower agents to prioritize customer outcomes over their own performance metrics.

What can you be doing now: OMNICHANNEL COMMUNICATION

  1. Omnichannel communication will be everything.
    • Customers need direct access to companies
    • Unlike years prior, this new type of conversational commerce is much bigger than just offering live chat.   Facebook, What’sApp, email, phone, text, etc.
    • The right strategy will allow you to deliver a unified. Budgets need to support these channels aggressively.
    • Consider the customer’s experience from start to finish. The customer journey

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1.Join the Samita Lab Mastermind. Join 7 other women leaders in the core program that sits at the center of my business model. The Mastermind teaches you exactly how to build a powerful person brand and the mindset to support it. It culminates in a TEDx talk on stage in front of 200 people at the end.

I only enroll for this program once a year.

The waitlist is open for the Class of 2025.

2. The Anatomy of a 'No' If you’re struggling to say ‘no’ gracefully at work, I created a free download here with scripts (15,000 downloaded)

I’ll add to it each week.

3. Help! I need confidence! ****Join 2500 people in taking my mini-public speaking Masterclass. Learn to organize a compelling talk and my framework for making it super easy.