Feeling Full

29. Lets Talk About Kids and Weight Loss with Eliza Kingsford

July 08, 2021 Eliza Kingsford Season 1

In this episode, Eliza and Mordechai discuss ways to help kids that are struggling with their weight. They discuss strategies to help them learn healthy internal dialogues and how to manage their belief systems so that they can have a solid foundation for managing their weight and self-image. 


  • When someone is struggling with their weight it means that they probably are not living the happiest, healthiest, and biggest life that they were meant to live.
  • Eliza was told that she could not embrace the body positive movement if she was also talking about how to lose weight.
  • She believed that it was not only possible but necessary to be happy with your current body while working to change habits on the path to transform and lose weight.
  • When Eliza was younger, she had a poor relationship with her body image and after a long struggle with it, she finally decided that she would no longer have that relationship with her body and she began to investigate why and how to fix it.
  • It wasn’t until after seeing kids go home from camp after having success only to see them slip backward, did Eliza realize that the critical component was the approach to image and mindset around their current state.
  • Believing that you can do something is the most important part of any endeavor.
  • Kids need to be taught early to become aware of their language and how to observe their language and thoughts.
  • It is important to help our kids understand the modern food environment. You have to help them regulate processed food intake.  Processed food is muting the body’s ability to send correct hunger and fullness cues.
  • You must help kids understand that foods affect how the body feels throughout the day.

“A belief system is your operating system” Eliza Kingsford

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