Pastor Writer: Conversations on Reading, Writing, and the Christian Life

Chase Replogle — The Responsibility of Fatherhood

Chase Replogle Episode 184

I believe it is a truth that a mother is made over a matter of months, but you always become a father in a single moment. I remember that moment well. The birth of our first child was full of complications. Hours of labor were induced by a rising blood pressure, alternating cycles of magnesium and then Pitocin, and platelet levels too low for an epidural.

After being diagnosed with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome, the first dose of magnesium gave my wife enough time to sleep before the induced contractions began. I alternatively spent my midnight hours googling preeclampsia in the dark delivery room corner. That was a bad idea...

Read the rest of the article at: The 5 Masculine Instincts