One Minute Of Torah

Spring: Healthy Soul In A Healthy Body

• Rabbi Moshe Levin

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One of the hallmarks of Judaism is it's holistic perspective. Instead of Judaism focusing on connecting with G-d in a specific location and in a specific way, G-d tells us "in all your ways you should know Him."

Because G-d created and creates the world there's purpose and meaning in every experience and in every nook and cranny of creation. 

There are some items that the Torah tells us that require a deeper Chassidic insight to see how this fits with its holistic theme and world outlook. 

I was fascinated this morning when I read how the Rebbe explains the need for learning the ethics of our fathers in the spring and summer time.

 The simple reason for studying this specifically after Passover until Rosh Hashanah is because at this time there is a renewal of nature, and the enhanced focus on the development of nature and the physical can lead us to being too earthy and stimulated to things which we do better not to pay attention to.
To the untrained ear, this sounds like a deterrent: Study the ethics of our fathers and you'll be safe. 

But the Rebbe frames this study in a characteristicly Judaic and holistic perspective:

It's the time when there is an enhanced health in the body. The soul needs to be health too. Don't leave your soul behind. Use this time to enhance the health of your soul, so they are working together in harmony. Study the ethics of our fathers and create an environment that will produce a healthy soul body relationship working synergistically to achieve, G-d willing the holistic goal of creation, the coming of Moshiach, when the presence of G-d will be manifest in everything.

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