Meet the Translator

MAstering Translation with Chris Drew

Dot Roberts Season 1 Episode 1

In MAstering Translation, the first episode of Meet the Translator, I chat to Chris Drew about our experiences studying an MA in translation.

We talk about what we studied and how our course worked as well as the key knowledge we gained, what we wish the degree had taught us and any tips we have for those looking to study an MA in translation. We also hear the experiences of other translators and answer some of your questions at the end.

You can find out more about Chris Drew and get in touch with him via his website,

Thank you to Chris for joining me on this episode, to Pippa Williams for creating the jingles and to the translators who sent in their experiences, Tomáš Řádek, Chloe Stout, Nicole Fenwick, Stephanie Hancox, Katie Wright, Lawrence Chaventré and Catherine Castling.

A transcript of the episode is available at thanks to Chris Drew.