Meet the Translator

Translator in the House with Julia Landry

Dot Roberts Season 1 Episode 2

Translator in the House is all about in-house translation. In this episode I chat to Julia Landry about her experience working as an in-house translator.

We find out how and why Julia became an in-house translator, some of the positives and negatives of in-house translation, what a typical day in the life of an in-house translator looks like, the difference between in-house and freelance translation and how things have changed during the pandemic. Julia also has plenty of advice for anyone thinking of becoming an in-house translator and at the end of the episode, she answers some of the questions you sent in.

You can find out more about Julia Landry and get in touch with her via her website, or on LinkedIn by searching 'Julia Landry'.

Thank you to Julia for joining me on this episode, to Pippa Williams for creating the jingles and to everyone who sent in questions and comments.

If you have any feedback or questions about freelance translation for the next episode, please send an email to