Meet the Translator

Environmental Translation with Kate Stansfield and Rachel Waddington

Dot Roberts Season 2 Episode 5

Welcome back to the Meet the Translator podcast! For this episode on environmental translation, I’m joined by Kate Stansfield and Rachel Waddington. We discuss what environmental translation is, the motivations behind doing it, and challenges that come with it, and tips and resources for anyone who wants to specialise in the field. We also talk about how you can make your translation business more environmentally conscious, and the value of sharing what you’re doing online.

Here are some of the learning resources that Kate and Rachel mention in the episode (as well as some extra ones):

For volunteering, Kate and Rachel suggest Translators Without Borders and getting involved with your local sustainability group. For a positive and inspiring podcast, Kate recommends Jane Goodall’s Hopecast.

If you enjoyed this episode on environmental translation and want to get in touch with Kate or Rachel, you can find Kate on LinkedIn or Instagram or email her at and you can find Rachel on LinkedIn, or send her an email at

Thank you to Kate and Rachel for joining me on the podcast, and thanks to Pippa Williams for editing this episode and making the podcast jingles.

If you have any questions or comments about the Meet the Translator podcast, send an email to