Meet the Translator

Pricing with Susie Jackson

Dot Roberts Season 3 Episode 2

Happy New Year! To start off 2022, I'm joined by Susie Jackson for an episode all about pricing for translators.

Susie delves into the (sometimes scary) world of pricing to give us advice on how to price our services, how to negotiate our rates with clients, when to raise our rates, and how to avoid getting overwhelmed when it comes to our business finances.

If you have more questions for Susie after listening to this, or simply want to get in touch with her, find her on Instagram, LinkedIn, or check out her website and have a read of her blog or download her free resources.

Thanks again to Susie for joining me on the podcast, and thanks to Pippa Williams for editing this episode and making the podcast jingles.

If you have any comments or questions about the Meet the Translator podcast, send an email to