
Decide, Leap, Repeat: From Uncertainty about Children to IVF and Beyond with Alissa Green

January 11, 2023 Krissie McMenamin Season 2 Episode 3

“It’s hard to quantify a feeling you haven’t experienced yet. So much of deciding to have kids is deciding to let go and have faith you will love these little humans and it’s going to be worth all of the sacrifice and effort.” - Alissa

Alissa was ambivalent about children, until she started trying to have one and the process didn’t work out as expected. Then she got competitive.

Alissa talks about how acknowledging she did, in fact, want children meant she was admitting something was missing in her well-rounded, friend-filled, full life. And that meant a big change. 

We talk about how working with a therapist helped her get clear on her feelings, then how a conversation with a French stranger in Norway challenged her thinking and gave her the confidence to move forward with ‘trying’ (the unprotected sex kind of trying). And when that didn't work, all the steps she took and the competitiveness she felt during her journey.

Finally, she talks about how once her daughter was born, she tried to protect herself from getting too attached to her daughter, not believing it had actually happened. 

This conversation is about her decision to dive into the unknown to have children and all the feelings that accompany that.