Last Week on Earth with GARI

#15 The future of European politics with Joachim Bitterlich

May 20, 2021 Global Arena Research Institute Episode 15
#15 The future of European politics with Joachim Bitterlich
Last Week on Earth with GARI
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Last Week on Earth with GARI
#15 The future of European politics with Joachim Bitterlich
May 20, 2021 Episode 15
Global Arena Research Institute

In this episode the European legend Joachim Bitterlich,  former advisor to German Chancellor Kohl and member of JEDI (Joint European Disruptive Initiative), joins us for a discussion on contemporary European affairs. Tune in for a conversation on the current, most pressing issues like strategic autonomy, Franco-German relations, the upcoming German elections and lastly Turkey and the EU. Bitterlich also shares a historical look back at the history of the EU and what could have been done differently.

Joachim Bitterlich, a senior expert on the European arena, entered the Federal Foreign Office already in 1976 and continued his career as an advisor in the private office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hans-Dietrich Genscher (1985-87), head of the European Policy Department at the Federal Chancellor’s Office (1987-93) and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1993-98). 

  • Differences between Europe and the US.

Vaccine development on the two continents and the evident split - private or public funding, perseverance, failure of established forces and the European bureaucratic methods.

  • Where is German politics heading and what will happen in the upcoming elections?

Joachim Bitterlich shares his predictions and thoughts on how the German party system is evolving.

  • The issue of strategic autonomy - The future of the transatlantic relation and dependence on China and the US.
  • The expansion of the EU in Eastern Europe och the continuous rift between East and West.
  • The political integration and support of East Europe. 
  • Sovereignty and European solidarity - a promising concept?
  • Franco-German relations today.

Policy differences and the cultural translation of French and German rhetoric.

  • Turkey in a vulnerable position.

The Turkish drift away from the West and the turn towards the East and South East.

Global Arena Research Institute is an independent, non-partisan research organisation that combines the most advanced methods of AI-driven data, scientific and other artificial reasoning capabilities, elevating data science into completely new levels of opportunity. Our goal is to provide unprecedented insights into the nature, impact, and management of globalization in order to improve institutional and governmental as well as business, energy and other sectors’ decision making. Our mission is to make the most of organically connecting AI-level reasoning capacities with the human-level critical reasoning capacities for the sake of a better future.

If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
@GARInstitute) / Twitter

Show Notes

In this episode the European legend Joachim Bitterlich,  former advisor to German Chancellor Kohl and member of JEDI (Joint European Disruptive Initiative), joins us for a discussion on contemporary European affairs. Tune in for a conversation on the current, most pressing issues like strategic autonomy, Franco-German relations, the upcoming German elections and lastly Turkey and the EU. Bitterlich also shares a historical look back at the history of the EU and what could have been done differently.

Joachim Bitterlich, a senior expert on the European arena, entered the Federal Foreign Office already in 1976 and continued his career as an advisor in the private office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hans-Dietrich Genscher (1985-87), head of the European Policy Department at the Federal Chancellor’s Office (1987-93) and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1993-98). 

  • Differences between Europe and the US.

Vaccine development on the two continents and the evident split - private or public funding, perseverance, failure of established forces and the European bureaucratic methods.

  • Where is German politics heading and what will happen in the upcoming elections?

Joachim Bitterlich shares his predictions and thoughts on how the German party system is evolving.

  • The issue of strategic autonomy - The future of the transatlantic relation and dependence on China and the US.
  • The expansion of the EU in Eastern Europe och the continuous rift between East and West.
  • The political integration and support of East Europe. 
  • Sovereignty and European solidarity - a promising concept?
  • Franco-German relations today.

Policy differences and the cultural translation of French and German rhetoric.

  • Turkey in a vulnerable position.

The Turkish drift away from the West and the turn towards the East and South East.

Global Arena Research Institute is an independent, non-partisan research organisation that combines the most advanced methods of AI-driven data, scientific and other artificial reasoning capabilities, elevating data science into completely new levels of opportunity. Our goal is to provide unprecedented insights into the nature, impact, and management of globalization in order to improve institutional and governmental as well as business, energy and other sectors’ decision making. Our mission is to make the most of organically connecting AI-level reasoning capacities with the human-level critical reasoning capacities for the sake of a better future.

If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
@GARInstitute) / Twitter