The Akashic Reading Podcast

2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

January 10, 2024 Teri Uktena
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon
The Akashic Reading Podcast
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The Akashic Reading Podcast
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon
Jan 10, 2024
Teri Uktena

Talking about the energies of this coming year, the change over from Rabbit to Wood Dragon, and what it means for each of us.

Show Notes Transcript

Talking about the energies of this coming year, the change over from Rabbit to Wood Dragon, and what it means for each of us.

2024 Year of the Wood Dragon


We think of our lives as having a rhythm, but in fact there are many rhythms affecting us simultaneously at any given moment. There are the phases of the day, our sleep cycle, and our internal biological system all of which interplay - or don't - with work schedules and various external necessities of the world around us. There is also the monthly cycle of money in and money out which creates a cycle of things which can be done and others which need to wait to match the ebb and flow of resources. There are the quarterly cycles of the individual seasons with their beginning/full expression/ending which feathers into the next and almost never fit neatly into the calendar days we assign. Add to all of this the annual cycle which takes us on a spiral journey circling back upon itself in a too fast/not fast enough trip of creation and transformation. All of this combines into a background pulse which comes to our attention when something changes or becomes out of sync. 

There is, however, another rhythm we aren't necessarily aware of, but which is described well in Chinese Astrology, and this is the two-year cycle of Creation and Implementation. Like an infinity loop pushing energy back and forth in a virtuous cycle, the energy of this planet influences us as human beings, our social systems, and all of the ways in which we interact into a bi-lobed cycle of bringing new things into being, then integrating them into the embodied world. This is a bit like farming in that the first half of the cycle we plant seeds. These might grow into healthy and flourishing plants easily, might need support and additional effort or they might fail. Whatever comes to be in the first half, it is harvested and transformed in the second, made into an end product while at the same time we are preparing the fields for a new crop. 

2023 was an implementation year and also just...hard. Hard for millions of people in small and often very large ways on all levels. Rabbit years are often about turning our focus to our lives and improving them. Think of moving things from the cheapest you can buy in bulk to being able to buy the luxury brands or upgrade to something beautiful while not losing functionality or longevity. In a Rabit year the energy moves everyone in this direction, but, like most things, you have to start where you are. 

This means while we are being moved gently, or not so much, towards improving our lives, the energy is also turning on klieg lights everywhere so all the things which are preventing our forward motion are out in the open. No more hiding, gaslighting, white lies to save face, avoidance, obfuscation or kicking the can down the road to deal with later. Which sounds great if the issue has a productive resolution or a constructive path forward, but if not, it means the gloves are off and we are left with the consequences.

Hence, we got a year not only full of escalating voices adamantly stating their opinions and positions on everything, but actions to match them. Some of this was heartening and hopeful, but much of it was frustrating, frightening, disheartening and a bit too much horrifying. While the saying is true, "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs", this year was particularly difficult because of the eggs people chose to break and in what amounts. 

However, you can't heal things if you can't admit they exist, let alone need healing.  You can't fix something if you won't acknowledge it's broken. And last year proved to be, for millions of people, the year when the imaginary "someday we'll deal with that" became now.  People dealt with parents needing care or long-term care decisions which required people to confront those relationships and how to deal with them (or not) going forward. Others came to grips with their children becoming adults who needed to work through childhood issues.  This triggered their own childhood issues while necessitating both a reckoning with their parenting and their identity going forward from here.  Some made significant career pivots or realized they needed to when they hadn't expected to. Some entered into or exited relationship cycles having found their voice or their real need and letting go of lesson learning for the first time in their lives. 

And for many the year ended in tragedy and misery due to too many wars and conflicts which continue into 2024.

For an astrological sign we tend to think of as self-serving, flighty, and lazy, Rabbit worked us over hard. Hopefully, like a good intensive or long workout, the results give us the ability to be a better, more capable version of ourselves than before.

What to expect from 2024, the Year of the Wood Dragon

You have no idea how much I would love to say this year is going to be easier, better, calmer, more pleasant and  And for some it may be, but in general, "Signs point to No" says the Magic 8 Ball.

Dragon years are creative, so starting new projects and cycles or at least putting the pieces in play.  Also, Dragon gives us a time of ambition, power, and daring. Events seem as if they are magnified threefold with increased intensity.  The energy and vitality of the Dragon year may make some people overly optimistic, however it is an excellent time to start a business, marry, have children, and take incredible risks. On a global level, expect extreme earth changes, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tidal waves.

In China, the formidable Dragon symbolizes the emperor or male, the indestructible Phoenix is the symbol of the empress or female. This means the energies of this year tend towards Yang, forward movement and accomplishing things rather than integrating and being things.  Those born in the Dragon year are said to wear the horns of destiny, which represent power and duty. 

In Asian cultures, the qualities of Dragon are the opposite of European interpretations...Dragon symbolizes royalty, prosperity, wisdom, and benevolence. Dragon has magnanimous and spiritual qualities and is a protector of temples and monasteries. Dragon has magical attributes because Dragon can change shape and transform himself into any type of creature.

Dragon was the most sacred mystical animal throughout thousands of years of Chinese history. Dragon was associated with imperial majesty. For example, the chair on which a Chinese emperor sat was referred to as the "Dragon Chair," and the robe a Chinse emperor wore was called the "Dragon Robe."

He is the most likely of the signs to become fanatical over an issue. The Chinese call him the guardian of wealth and power. But he's also prone to megalomania. (Think Putin, Xi Jinping, Mohammed Bin Salman al Saud or Kim Jung Un) He just does not take defeat gracefully. He tends to intimidate those who dare challenge him. But he is likely to be loyal to his loved ones despite his strong temper and dogmatic ways. Dragon can put aside resentments and come to the rescue promptly. 

He seldom minces words and cites his views as if they were imperial edicts. He feels himself above the law and doesn't always practice what he preaches.

So, what does that mean for the rest of us?  


Well, this is the year of the Dragon for all of us, not just the powerful or loudest few. We are sovereign of our own realms, our own lives and this year is a creative year, one where we initiate the next phase of change we want to see and be in the world. And there's the added bonus of it being a Wood year. Think of a wood year like the energies of old growth forests. There are trees in all states of growth, but all growing, becoming and moving steadily through the stages of life powered by the life force of everyone else around them and the bountiful nurturing of the earth.

Wood dragon is mythology fueled with nature therefore capable of developing bright new revolutionary concepts. He's adept at formulating and implementing his ideas and working cooperatively with others, even if he may be a bit condescending on occasion. What he excels at is practical application fueled by his own power and his ability to empower others to create greatness or facilitate success.

He loves to look into cause-and-effect theories; his every action will be guided by sound logic. 

Wood qualities are boldness creativity, idealism, imagination, steadfastness, benevolence, competitiveness, and organization. These are natural Dragon characteristics. Wood dragon therefore has a double dose of wood's drive, growth, and enthusiasm. He idealistically embraces new projects, and is highly creative and dramatically imaginative. 

Wood Dragon is bold, dynamic, generous, talented, and intelligent. He is a sincere idealist who believes he can change the world. Revolutionary but not rebellious, he is inquisitive and always questions the societal norm. He follows the dictates of his own heart and can't be told by anyone what to do.

Dragon is full of life, bravery, and intensity. He is a fighter who won't easily allow defeat. Extremely independent and freedom-loving, Dragon needs an environment that allows the liberty to express creativity and nurture personal growth. Passionate and direct Dragon can't tolerate pretentious behavior in people. Run by his heart and emotions, Dragon is often an exquisite lover whose smoldering sexuality attracts many suitors.

A dreamer, Dragon loves adventures and believes that he is destined to achieve great success. Dragon wants to make a huge impact on the world. If Dragon takes action to realize dreams, there is no limit to the heights that can be achieved. If Dragon's idealism is not combined with concrete action, however, Dragon can turn into...a discontented daydreamer who pays little attention to practicality and reality.

In work he is an enthusiastic starter but one who often experiences difficulties completing projects and can be more of an inspired dreamer than a responsible doer. He wants events to proceed as he dictates and will leave abruptly if he cannot have his way. In career's he's a late bloomer who steadily grows into formidable power.

When challenged he can be stubborn and prejudiced. His challenge is to control anger and channel it into positive, socially beneficial actions. Wood dragon is generous and amenable to talking the middle road, tries to offend as few people as possible, and subtly conceals his domineering ways. The wood element produces a less fierce and unreasonable variety of Dragon who will compromise when it is to his advantage.

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. It can help to think of this energy like an ocean we are floating in. Depending on who we are and the situations we encounter throughout the year we can struggle to keep ourselves above water, find ourselves gently floated in a warm lagoon, be stranded in the middle of a calm sea with nothing but our own efforts to propel us or ride powerful waves which propel us to our goals in a joyous ride which is the culmination of all our previous efforts. The point is to work with this rather than struggle against it. 

It's important to remember we are just one part of all this and at any given time what is happening to us might conflict with, support, or just cause interference with others on multiple levels all at the same time. So, while the urge will be there to build empires, defeat our demons, fulfill our dreams in reality and discover what else is possible, and in a Dragon year you can, remember to also keep yourself grounded like trees in the forest. 

"Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'." 

― Christopher Markus 

Here's to a powerful, joyous, and empowering 2024.