The Akashic Reading Podcast

The Grace Point for Asking Important Questions

May 08, 2024 Teri Uktena
The Grace Point for Asking Important Questions
The Akashic Reading Podcast
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The Akashic Reading Podcast
The Grace Point for Asking Important Questions
May 08, 2024
Teri Uktena

Discussing how working with a grace point pause before asking your important or emotionally impactful questions in the Akashics allows the answers you receive to be complete, complex, and on all levels of experience, not just intellectual.

Show Notes Transcript

Discussing how working with a grace point pause before asking your important or emotionally impactful questions in the Akashics allows the answers you receive to be complete, complex, and on all levels of experience, not just intellectual.

The Gracepoint for Asking Important Questions


Asking the important questions, the things which have the most meaning to us or are the biggest problem or pain point is most often why people want to read their Akashic record or soul book. It's also the thing they fail at most often. This is true whether the person is a novice or an experienced reader. It's simply a fact we are least able to be clear about the answer, let alone all the components of a situation, if we are invested emotionally in the answer. This is why readers have difficulty in reading for themselves and we often have a trusted reader of some kind we go to for help. 

It's a bit like trying to see the back of your own head. You can't as your eye's aren't on stalks. We use mirrors to help us out with this and in the case of readers we ask someone else to look back there and help us figure out what's going on.

This doesn't mean people can't ask the big questions of their book, it just means it's not as simple as being able to get to it and open it like a word doc or a text message. And like text messages, the information can get garbled, misinterpreted, or misunderstood if we're not careful and attentive to how the message is being sent and received. (Luckily autocorrect and autofill are not features used in a soul book so if you see a actually means duck and not something less safe for work.)

Soul books are an extension of the soul, like a hand is an extension of the person. We can talk about them as being a separate thing, just as we do the hand, but hands are actually one part of the bigger organism unless being portrayed in a horror movie or Thing from the Addams Family. Practically, this means they don't act like a parent, teacher, or authority figure who ignores one aspect of the person in order to respond to a goal or "higher purpose." They are a part of us and as such they don't just attend to the intellectual and informational aspect of what is happening. They not only attend to the question being asked, but to you as you are asking it and if you're in a heightened emotional state, feeling distress of some kind, then the soul book will respond to the distress you're feeling and try to resolve that before moving on to the question.

This means you could be asking a question about whether or not to buy your cousin's used car or get a new one, if you should move to another state, quit your job, or take things with this new person to another level, but the response you get is to be whisked to a relaxing beach with palm trees. Or a sunlit meadow. Or a quiet mountain retreat. You could be told to get a guinea pig, take up knitting, try welding found objects into sculptures or any other of a million random things.

As people expect an answer to the question they have posed, they think this is the answer rather than a remedy for their anxiety/stress state and they come away confused, bemused, often with a sense of letdown and possibly questioning their ability to work in the Akashics at all. Hence, I think of this as the text message style misunderstanding of what is presented. If we ask about how to succeed in starting a new business, asking for a raise, handling a difficult ex- or working through issues with our children, then are taken to a beach with palm trees and offered a lounge chair, we could misunderstand and think we're being told just to relax, and it will all be fine. Instead we are being asked to relax because we're stressed out in the moment. If we could relax and go back to ask our question in that relaxed state, we would then be able to get detailed information and possibly instructions on how to move forward to a solution.


Which is a bit like expecting someone having an anxiety attack to calm down when they are told to calm down.  It doesn't work, could make things worse, adding layers of performance and social anxiety to the mix, and/or turning the anxiety into a not-so-subtle rage which targets the people around them like a heat seeking missile.  Death stares have been known to occur.

So is this a Catch 22?  Well a bit of Yes and a bit of No.  Rather than trying to not get emotional and be totally relaxed about questions, subjects, or problems which by their very nature cause us to be emotionally engaged, it works best to use the emotions to become focused and fully present.  The key to this is being able to get to what I call the Grace Point.  It's not mental gymnastics, but a way of pushing pause on our need to avoid discomfort, emotional or otherwise.

Often, the reason the question(s) we're asking are important is we have recognized or finally admitted to something which is causing us pain. Lack of funds, relationship difficulties, confusion about career, not understanding why abuse happened or why someone who should love us can't, and so on, cause us pain on multiple levels. We want to resolve this so the pain goes away even if it's just a persistent uncomfortableness.  No matter what we have tried, we keep being in this same state/place or we arrive back at it like Ground Hog's Day, always coming back to this stuck spot or the exhausting question of "What now?!!!"

Human beings are pain averse.  This is a feature, not a broken, as this world is not safe for us in millions of ways.  From temperatures too hot or too cold for our survival, the need for the right kind of water in the right place in the right amounts, the fact we're easily crushable by just random boulders or moving vehicles, we break if dropped from even a minimal height, and we can die from a puncture which causes us to leak out, we need to keep track of ourselves in order to maintain our health and quality of life..  Heck, just ambient things in the air can take us out in a matter of moments. We're a mess and high maintenance at the best of times even if we're living what we currently think of as a healthy and well-balanced life. 😊

So when we reach the point where we've realized there is a question and we need an answer or solution to our pain, we've already experienced it enough to want to not experience it anymore. Yet asking the question brings the situation and its pain into sharp focus, so we try to ask in such a way we rush past the pain to an answer.  Often, we think of this as finally confronting the situation, being proactive, "getting on with it", and more, but what we're doing is finally engaging which makes us try to move the solution along with all the emotional, mental, and physical energy we can muster.  Hence the reaction from soul books.  

To understand the Grace Point, it's important to recognize that while we think of questions as a mental thing, which may have an emotional component to them, they are fully physical as well.   When we think about an important question, one whose answer will resolve a pain point for us, set us in a new direction, heal or create or disassemble something in our life, we have a biological reaction to it.  

Just thinking about the question in our head causes our adrenal glands to produce and disperse a shot of adrenalin.  This revs up our heartbeat, raises our body temperature, and creates a mental focus we didn't have a second before. It's a bit like having ½ a cup of coffee or ½ a soda, but instantaneously and the effects only last for a few minutes. Next, our problem-solving brain alerts to the fact we've had this adrenaline spike, which means there's a problem of some kind to solve.  It then uses its portion of the adrenaline to go into a higher gear focused on the question. And its first action is to ask for more adrenaline as a backup, so it has enough power to get through the process.  Therefore another, more sustained burst of adrenaline comes a moment later, amping things up further.

Which is, btw, where obsessive thoughts and stuck thought spirals can come from. If all the possible solutions have already been thought through and the issue doesn't resolve or is attached to something bigger/deeper/more impactful which hasn't been worked out, then the adrenaline/problem solving loop starts like a Merry-Go-Round.  Yay for biology!


The Grace Point is a specific moment of sharp focus during this process where we are experiencing the emotional pain/adrenaline high/need to problem solve, but instead of trying to get to the answer or solution, we instead pause long enough for our knee jerk aversion reflex to subside. It's often found at the end of the obsessive thought loop. For example: if the question of "Why did this happen back then the way it did?" comes through your mind, you'll get hit with a bit of adrenaline, the brain turns to focus on problem solving the question, asks for more adrenaline, then starts a well-worn loop/story/narrative which recounts all the known facts, the assumptions, the possible motivations which all lead to the same stuck spot. It's at this stuck spot, the empty crossroads, frustrated drop the tools in defeat, throw your hands up in the air point where you can step back and make space for advice and Akashic input.

It's a bit like having banged your elbow, then holding very still, putting pressure on it to reduce the sharp pain and calm down enough to assess the damage, if there is any. The Grace Point for the important questions is holding very still, letting the discomfort the question is causing exist, but then allow it to subside along with the adrenaline rush, until you can be present and focused enough your soul book can respond to the question instead of your emotional state.

This seems rather complicated and like it would be some massive meditation practice which requires hours of practice to master. But honestly it takes as much time as it does to deal with having bumped your elbow against a doorframe. It does require some mental focus and a bit of self-control, and practice just like any new exercise at the gym, but the doing of it takes only a few seconds to a minute at most.

So the goal in using the Grace Point with big questions is not to force yourself to be calm or not feel, but instead let yourself feel fully, problem solve through the old storyline until you reach the well worn stuck spot, then don't try to fix any of it. Stay in that spot and use it to have full engagement while retaining a comfortable emotional distance so you can intake the full contextual answer from your soul book. 

The process looks like this:

1.            Ask the question to yourself. Don't just remember the question, say it out loud or in your mind. Recite the question like you would a poem you have memorized. This activates you not only emotionally, but physically. 

2.            Your limbic system which controls your biochemistry will increase the adrenaline in your body as you have just alerted yourself to an important problem in your life which is needing a solution in this moment. Allow yourself to acclimate as the adrenaline brings your mind, senses, and knowing into sharp focus. You will quickly feel more present and in the now.

3.            Hold this until you reach the grace point of stuckness or "What now?" which is the source of your question. You may feel a bit of futility or frustration at this, but allow yourself to arrive there and don't try to rush past it to an answer.

4.            Once in this Grace Point, hold things until your mind can focus beyond it and back to your book with curiosity.

5.            You can now ask the question or present it to your book.

6.            Continue to keep this posture of heightened, adrenalized focus and curiosity in order to get the better, clearer answers you're looking for. This also allows you to get information you're not expecting or don't realize needs to be included.

Working with the Grace Point allows the answers you receive to be complete, complex, and on all levels of experience, not just intellectual. They may bring emotional response and insight, come through physical reactions including healing of long held pain, or be message as direct as the striking of a bell. They may be a combination of things which, like a time release capsule, unfolds for days and weeks to come. Whatever the answer is, more than likely it won't be a simple solution, but instead a way of being which moves us forward on our path and unfolds more of our unique wisdom.