Natural Health Products: Ingredients for Success

How Nutraceutical and Natural Product Brands Can Sell More Products: Interview with Jeff Davis

Stratum Nutrition / Interview with Jeff Davis Season 1 Episode 1

Whether you are in the nutraceutical space or not, we have all been in those meetings that starts with sales pointing fingers at marketing for the lack of quality leads and marketing barks back by blaming lack of conversion on sales not properly cultivating the account relationship. It's unnecessary and in today's landscape sales and marketing should be one cohesive well oiled machine. 

Jeff Davis has spoken at tons of sales and marketing conferences including  Saleforce and Linkedin events. In this episode Jeff Davis and I discuss how the proper marketing and sales alignment can boost the customer experience, provide a seamless connection in the marketing to sales handoff, and in-turn drive more sales for your brand and its products. Reaching cultural, prospect, lead, sales and revenue goals ultimately comes down to sales and marketing alignment. You do not want to miss this one.