Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap

Othello (Series II, Podcast K)

February 23, 2021 Doctor Rap

Series II, Podcast K: Othello

Demonic Iago, Angelic Desdemona
Repentance vs. Suicide
3 Key Lines
6 Specific Notes

The quotation of Thomas Mann is from Thomas Mann, Joseph and His Brothers, tr. John E. Woods (New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, Everyman’s Library, 2005), p. 669. For the Donald Duck psychomachia see “Donald’s Better Self” at and “Donald’s Decision” at  Both Thompson quotations are from “Notes on Shakespeare” in Philip Thompson, Dusk and Dawn: Poems and Prose of Philip Thompson, ed. Gideon Rappaport (San Diego: One Mind Good Press, 2005), p. 220.

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