Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap

Did Shakespeare Collaborate? (Series I, Chapter 13)

Doctor Rap

Series I, Chapter 13: Did Shakespeare Collaborate?

Edward III
Henry VIII
The Two  Noble Kinsmen
Sir Thomas More

References are to the following:

Melchiori, Giorgio, ed. The New Cambridge Shakespeare: King Edward III (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 12–13; Hallett Smith, Introduction to Pericles, Prince of Tyre in G. Blakemore Evans, ed., The Riverside Shakespeare, Second Ed. (Boston:  Houghton Mifflin, 1997), p. 1527; Jonathan Bate, “Is there a lost Shakespeare in your attic?” in The Telegraph, April 21, 2007, accessed 8/13/18 at; J. Spedding, “Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Henry VIII?” Gentleman’s Magazine, clxxviii (August–October 1850), pp. 115–24 and 381–82, quoted and ref. in R.A. Foakes, ed., King Henry VIII The Arden Edition, (Cambridge:  Methuen and Harvard University Press, Third Ed, 1957, Repr. 1966), pp. xvii; Cyrus Hoy, “The Shares of Fletcher and his Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (vii),” Studies in Bibliography, xv (1962), p. 79, quoted and ref. in R.A. Foakes, ed. King Henry VIII, pp. xxvii–xxviii; Hallett Smith, Introduction to The Two Noble Kinsmen in The Riverside Shakespeare, p. 1689; G. Blakemore Evans, Introduction to Sir Thomas More: The Additions Ascribed to Shakespeare, in The  Riverside Shakespeare, pp. 1775–79.

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