Bleep Bulimia
This podcast is all about different ways to support recovery from bulimia, primarily focussing on Midlife Bulimia. No ONE way is right for everyone when it comes to recovery. This Podcast aims at inviting specialized guests who are able to help with providing different approaches, from emotional eating to spiritual methods of overcoming it, and even methods that likely many have not even heard of before yet may be that SPARK to move forward and say "yes, this form of recovery I can relate to". LaurieAnn is a Masters Certified Handwriting Analyst specializing in cognitive and grapho-therapy. She is the author of How To Have Your Cake & Not Eat It All Too - Adult Bulimia Recovery Guide and soon to be the author of Sherri's World, a fiction based on her story of struggling with bulimia for 30 years and the 13 years of living as a recovered bulimic. LaurieAnn is the author of "Hampy" (which includes her illustrated character), Publisher's Award-Winning book Make Up Not Required - How To Brand The True You, and contributing author to the #1 Best Seller 1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success by Forbes Riley & Steve Samblis.
Bleep Bulimia
Bleep Bulimia Episode #113 with Dr. Fred Podcast Host of Welcome to Humanity, Author of Find Your True Voice, Keynote Speaker, Mental Health Advocate and Much More...
What a lovely conversation with Dr. Fred, and his passion for his new book Find Your True Voice he says it goes along with the technology and what we talked about today and it does.
It's about connecting with human beings.
Dr. Fred was the youngest of 3 sons; his brothers were over 10 years older. He was told he was a bundle of love and joy. Admittedly he says maybe not all the time, but that was his memory. He watched his brothers communicate with his parents. He said from a young age he would have to learn this communication.
Dr. Fred as a child was always smart, top of his grade, and funny and got into trouble. His seeking how to communicate was a frustration in school. Junior high was no better, nor was college.
He dropped out, then returned to computer science, and again he didn't want to punch cards. So he dropped out again. His mother said he needed a job. So he got one at a Child Worker in Michigan in January 1980. It was there he learned what communication was about.
Dr. Fred says this world is uncomfortable. Your level of maintaining yourself is working for you at times to have a smile. It gives you a purpose. But some people don't have that feeling. They don't want to get out of bed. He asks if there is a justification for being sad or scared or being nervous about how things are going to work out, or the voices in your head. Oh ya.
Just don't go to the hospital telling them that because those voices are fine but they will put you in the psychiatric ward, and you will be put on medication that will create the symptoms of being what they diagnosed you as as a schizophrenic.
All these people wanted was to make a difference. What is a human? They want to be heard, they want to be heard, they want to make a difference and they want to be part of this planet. We all want to be liked, but no one cares.
This is where Dr. Fred came up with Find Your True Voice and Welcome To Humanity.
Whatever you say, it's about Humanity. Hellish and beauty of being a part of humanity. He also undoctors people. What if there is nothing wrong with you?
Dr. Fred said that eating disorders were a more difficult part. But he makes a point. If you can accept that "this is humanity", and not put yourself down, it's easier to accept that you can, in this world of humanity, find a way to get over it, accepting it's part of your humanity at this time.
Dr. Fred did say some people do have medication that truly does help them. However, other people are given medication that only exacerbates the issue.
Very interesting conversation.
You can reach Dr. Fred at DrFred360.com
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