Million Dollar Monday

Elevate Your Thinking with Niurka

February 15, 2021 Greg Muzzillo

Niurka has empowered hundreds of thousands of people to elevate the way they think, speak and live. The former Top Corporate Trainer for Tony Robbins launched her company in 2000 and for more than two decades has guided some of the most powerful businesses to produce record-breaking results. Niurka shares with host Greg Muzzillo how it all starts with our mindset. 

Chapter Summaries

  • 01:04 - All About Niurka 
  • 02:22 - Early Inspiration
  • 04:00 - Working with Tony Robbins 
  • 06:15 - Launching Business 
  • 07:06 - Highs and Lows
  • 10:58 - Neo Genesis
  • 14:18 - Key Advice

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Niurka :

And the other thing I would say is focus on results, not so much tasks. I see so many people that are just so focused on the tasks. Like, what do I need, how do I do this? Or how do I do that? Get really focused on the what. What is it that I'm inspired to create? Get tapped in at the heart level, to the why. Why am I committed to create this no matter what?

Greg Muzzillo:

Hello and welcome to Million Dollar Monday. I'm your host, Greg Muzzillo bringing you real successful people with real useful advice for people with big dreams. I understand big dreams. I turned an investment of$200 and a lot of great advice from some really successful people into my big dream Proforma. That today is a half billion-dollar company. I'm excited to introduce Niurka our guest. For the last two decades Niurka has been creating and leading transformational experiences that improve and enrich people's businesses, relationships and lives. She's guided hundreds of thousands of people to elevate the way they think speak and live Niurka launched her company in 2000 with a vision of inspiring social transformation through inner evolution. She has customized training curriculums for many of the most powerful companies in the world who have produced record-breaking results by applying her teaching. Niurka is also the author of a bestselling book, Supreme Influence, which I keep on my desk, Niurka and I love being able to refer to it. Helping people change their lives with the power of the language they use. Prior to launching her company. Niurka worked side by side as a record-breaking top corporate trainer with Anthony Robbins, the world-renowned authority on leadership psychology. Niurka, Welcome. Thank you for joining me.

Niurka :

Thank you, Greg. Awesome being here with you.

Greg Muzzillo:

Great and awesome to have you. All right. Well, let's get to work. So when you were younger, I'd like to sort of start at the beginning. What was your big dream back then? And if you could just walk us through, what was your life like as a younger person? What were your dreams like as a younger person? What was the education like that you had as a younger person?

Niurka :

Definitely as I go back to the really early days, I remember being in awe like in awe of the universe, in awe of the world. I remember looking out to the stars and really what was driving me back then is I wanted to understand, I wanted knowledge. I wanted understanding I wanted to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Although I didn't really understand that at the time. Uh, but that's what sparked the early stages for me. And also I wanted to make a big impact on the world. Although I didn't really understand what that would look like. And I came, you know, from my parents immigrated to the US from Cuba and they had a lot of fears of just like, okay, here's what you got to do to get a good job and make sure that you have a backup plan and make sure that, you know, you've got plan B, so you're taken care of, but that didn't resonate for me. I wanted to really understand how to make a powerful mark in this world. So I started asking really profound questions, like, who am I? And what is my purpose? What is my highest destiny? How, if I could give anything to people, what would I give and asking those questions really sparked my early inspiration.

Greg Muzzillo:

Okay. So I love the part, of course, where you worked with Anthony Robbins, everybody's heard of him and the record breaking work that you ended up doing for him. What led you to that experience?

Niurka :

I remember when I saw what led me to work with Tony, I went through a series of different successes where I got the understanding that I can create whatever it is that I want to create. And I think that's one of the most important things that I would love for everybody who's listening to really gather is that if you've got a desire, if you've got a vision, if you've got something that really turns you on inside, you can find a way to make that happen. So, what brought me to Tony Robbins was a series of other positions in the personal development industry that I radically had failed. And that's another thing I'd love for everyone to realize is that sometimes your greatest gifts, your greatest discovery, your greatest new realization is going to come from the fertile soil of some of your greatest challenges and failures.

Greg Muzzillo:

Yeah. There's no doubt that the universe is always working for us. It's just sometimes we fight pretty hard

Niurka :

And how awesome it is to be aware of that. So we can go with the flow.

Greg Muzzillo:

Yeah. So tell us about your time with Tony Robbins.

Niurka :

Well, I worked with Tony side by side for five years at the time I lived in 16 different cities over a five-year period. And my role was, uh, going into these companies and delivering these introductory presentations that would make an impact in people's lives in a really short period of time, like 45 minutes. And then in 45 minutes, inviting them to take the next step. And during that time, there was no formula for that position. There was no strategy. There was not a, uh there was not a particular strategy that ensured success. So I reverse engineered that position, created all the scripts, all the formulas, all the strategies, and then delivered that training prior to me launching my own company in the year 2000, which has been 20 years this year.

Greg Muzzillo:

20 years. And it's been a great run Niurka. So tell us, tell us what led you to, uh, leave the Tony Robbins organization and go out on your own?

Niurka :

Well, I had reached the top of that field in that company and there was really no other place for me to go and I was tired of moving every two months. I was on the road, so I was ready to go deeper. Uh, I was ready to work with leaders and companies at a much deeper level to create measurable long-term sustainable impact and results. And that's when I said, I'm going to, I'm going to launch this company,

Greg Muzzillo:

Tell us about some of the high highs and the low lows of 20 years of building your own very successful business.

Niurka :

I would say my greatest high highs are the successes of the people in our community and the successes of our clients that juices me up at such a deep level when somebody comes in and they have a vision, but they have blocks, they have challenges, they have all these things and how they're going to figure it out and to see them break through. Uh, and sometimes it's not just the business blocks, it's the blocks that are showing up in their personal life, the blocks that they're having with their kids and, and creating healing in the relationship with their children or blocks they're personally having within themselves. That's where I get the greatest joy what juices me up. Uh, then, you know, seeing the success of many of the clients that we've worked with over the years, you know, like for example, when we worked with Mercedes-Benz within seven months, they became the number one Mercedes-Benz dealer in the world. And the number two dealer of all dealers in the entire United States. I mean, it's awesome to celebrate those types of high highs, those types of accomplishments. And then when you talk about low lows, Oh my goodness. Some of my greatest discoveries and learnings, you know, I was just telling someone the other day that we finished an event in 2019. That was a huge success. I took a group of people on an adventure of a lifetime through Bali Indonesia. But what was interesting about that event was that what brought me there more than 10 years earlier, was a low, low as you call it. I had a triple spiral fracture of the tibia and fibula from a motorcycle accident. And I went on sabbatical on my company. And I said, I don't even know when I'm coming back right now, because the most important thing is to experience healing, to heal my body. The doctors told me when that, when that break, when my leg broke, they told me I would never walk the, again without a limp. And I remember saying to them, and that's one of the things that's so important is to not listen to the naysayers around us that give us all the, what can't happen because they're all around. And I remember saying to him, your diagnosis will never be my reality. And I went on this sabbatical with the mindset of healing. And within 10 days I was walking without a limp. When I arrived there I arrived in a wheelchair. And I remember just being so committed to this process of our own internal healing. And one of the things I teach is how our cells of our body and Deepak Chopra talks about this are always listening to our internal dialogue. So being mindful of what we say. So it's interesting because fast forward, 10 years later, that triple spiral fracture that launched me on a sabbatical to Bali to heal my leg has now inspired what has become one of the most ultimate adventures of a lifetime that I just took a group through that magical land and led. So my message to everyone is if you're navigating challenges, especially right now with all of this unprecedented global change that we're experiencing, that there's a gift beyond this. I see a lot of people affirming in the present conditions of the past, and then wondering why they keep living in that repetitious cycle of what has been one of the things that I teach. And you know, this from my work is that this is a brand new moment. We are in a brand new moment. So what are we speaking into existence in this moment? And that in any given moment, we have infinite possibilities of what could come out of our mouth, what we could say and the energy with which we say it, and that's a creative process. And whatever words we speak are, you know, our cells are eavesdropping. The subconscious mind is listening and it is amenable to suggestion. It means that it's paying attention and it's taking action on these suggestions that we're giving ourselves.

Greg Muzzillo:

So do us a favor. I know some of your trainings are just off the chart successful and well-received tell us just a little bit about some of the different types of trainings your organization offers.

Niurka :

Definitely. We have a number of different trainings. We have one that's called NeoGenesis and NeoGenesis guides you to the root of whatever has been blocking someone. So you come in with a certain area of your life. Let's say my finances as an example, or my health and vitality or my life's purpose. And I guide you to elicit the core values that have been driving your life up until now in that area being totally real, not the values that we think we have, but the actual values based on the results. And then I guide through a process of releasing whatever's been blocking. And you know, what's interesting, Greg is sometimes what I find that blocks people is this idea of, yes, fear comes in worry stress, but this idea of not being enough, like not being good enough, not being ready enough, not being X enough and guiding people to break through that one area where you feel I am totally enough. I'm ready to go. This is my vision. This is what I'm inspired to create. That's what NeoGenesis is. It's about creating a new beginning in your life. And that's what Neo Genesis means. New beginnings. I have a women's empowerment course called Goddess Garden. That is about being fully activated and awakened as a woman in all aspects of our lives, our businesses, our relationships with other women and sisterhood, our families with our children, with our communities, all aspects. I have a communication mastery course that is also an evolved NLP course. Neuro-linguistic programming, which looks at how we're creating our experience of reality from moment to moment, based on our thoughts and our language, that we are literally creating our results from moment to moment. And how do we receive tools and techniques to interrupt patterns that don't serve us. And then there's advanced courses. So there's multiple levels to each course. That's one of the things I'm most excited about right now is I'm training trainers and master coaches to go out and deliver this work in their own unique way. So training executive coaches, leadership coaches, master coaches in different lanes to support people in creating and living their most magnificent life because everybody needs a coach, no matter what level we're at.

Greg Muzzillo:

Everybody. So, okay, now that you're multiplying yourself, you're of course wildly successful in your business, wildly successful in your life. Giving great advice. Clearly you've reached your goal of making a difference of the universe that you're so in awe of, and now that you're building your business, multiplying your success, through others, teaching and coaching others to help multiply all of that. What key pieces of advice would you share for aspiring entrepreneurs and people with big dreams?

Niurka :

Key pieces of advice. One thing I would invite you to tune into is self image. Who are you? Who are you being the way you perceive yourself will drive your life more than anything else that will drive your results, determine who you connect with and how you show up in those connections. So really tune in to who am I being. And that brings me to who are you surrounding yourself with? That's one of the biggest pieces of advice to surround yourself with people that are also big thinking, big dreamers that are going to support and encourage, and they're going to call you on your stuff, but they're not going to do it in a naysayer kind of way. They're going to do it an encouraging and empowering way. So the people that you surround yourself with is so huge. And the other thing I would say is focus on results, not so much tasks. I see so many people that are just so focused on the tasks. Like, what do I need, how do I do this? Or how do I do that? Get really focused on the what, what is it that I'm inspired to create? Get tapped in at the heart level, to the why. Why am I committed to create this no matter what, then get tapped into the who, who do I know that can support me in bringing this out of the realm of ideas into action and manifestation right now, and then focus your actions on the activities that are going to produce the greatest results. All tasks are not the same focus on results, not tasks.

Greg Muzzillo:

Beautiful stuff, very wise stuff. All right. So that's some great advice also now that you've achieved a wonderful level of success and you're multiplying your successes through others. What are your big dreams that you have now for yourself and for your business in your life?

Niurka :

You know, my dreams and what fires me up the most is empowering leaders. You know, so right now I love to sit back and I've launched over the last two years, a master transformational coach program that is exclusive for graduates of my previous courses. So to see them walk the footsteps that I've walked into over the last decade, and to see them guiding the people in their communities to create results, that juices me up, that's super fulfilling. And also when we go on the adventures, the deeper work that we're doing, for example, I mentioned that Bali, that's one of the international we're beginning to do these international adventures and retreats and the impact we're able to make on these lands and on the people there. So I'm deeply inspired by some of the philanthropic work, which we have not been. Next time we're going to have more of our camera crew over there, gathering all the images of this. But like, for example, the last time we were there, we totally transformed this woman's life, uh, where her little boy wasn't able to be in school. And we got him the right attorneys. And we got the little boy in school and we built her a certain part of her home where she didn't have a working toilet. I mean, to be able to support, to be able to really give back through the work and to empower leaders that juices me up.

Greg Muzzillo:

Awesome stuff Niurka, thank you very much for joining us and to all of you who joined us, all of you, aspiring entrepreneurs, all of you people with big dreams. Thank you very much for tuning in. And let me encourage you to check out Niurka at because there's a wealth of information and a wealth of energy you'll get that will get you going and growing in a positive direction. Thank you.

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