Transpersonal Journey with Irene Siegel

Walking Between the Worlds

November 14, 2020 Irene Season 1 Episode 1

Do you want to awaken to a greater consciousness and awareness? Are you interested in reaching your fullest potential as a spiritual being? The shaman learns to walk between the worlds from ordinary to non-ordinary reality. This is part of the Native American tradition. We access the non-ordinary reality through meditation and shamanic journeys. The experience is as real as being in our ordinary world. Many levels of reality make up who we are and how we manifest in our everyday world. The ability to walk between the worlds is a skill that one learns on the path of spiritual initiation. This is how we discover our authentic self and soul connection. Irene Siegel discusses the personal meaning of her journey with Incan shamanic teachers. Appreciation to the teachers of indigenous backgrounds for keeping this body of knowledge alive. They believe that the earth is dying, and that the new shamans must come from the west. 

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