Transpersonal Journey with Irene Siegel

The Medicine Wheel as a Living Tool of Transformation

December 12, 2020 Irene Siegel, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 3

Have you ever walked a Medicine Wheel? Have you felt the power of transformation? Perhaps you have seen a Medicine Wheel on Native American sacred ground. It is usually created with stones. There is a center stone representing the Mother Earth. There are four stones in each direction of the wheel placed in the South, West, North, and East. The Medicine Wheel is an ancient and powerful tool of transformation. It is a living tool, because the work of each direction is very powerful yet different. We can walk the Medicine Wheel throughout our life. The lessens become deeper while awakening us to the higher self of soul awareness.. The journey awakens within us through intention and meditation. As we journey through the four directions of the wheel, we access the major forces of nature. These archetypes become powerful teachers on the path. Irene Siegel discusses the work of the four directions of the Incan Medicine Wheel. She shares her personal experiences and interpretation of the teachings. Appreciation to teachers of indigenous backgrounds for keeping this body of knowledge alive. They believe that the Earth is dying, and that the new shamans must come from the west. 

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