Homeless in America: Chasing the Merry-Go-Round

Kelly Bargabos Season 2 Episode 47

Life moves fast. Too fast for some.

November is Homelessness Awareness Month. On any given night in America, more than 500,000 people are experiencing homelessness. 70% are individuals living on their own or in the company of other homeless adults. 30% are families with children. The great majority of homeless are men or youth boys, and almost half of the population is unsheltered and living in situations not fit for human beings. (“State of Homelessness Report 2021.”

The thing is, we know there is no silver bullet, no single answer or even two or three things that will solve the problem of homelessness. The causes are many and complicated, multiple and complex, and range from mental illness to addiction, from disabilities to lack of affordable housing, from a history of racial injustice to the system itself.

For my brother it was a story of what it was like to keep up in a world that moved too fast.

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