NERVES: A Mother's Day Perspective

May 12, 2023 Kelly Bargabos Season 2 Episode 64

Mother's Day is one of those days filled with power and the potential for joy and celebration as well as pain, sadness, regret and longing.  As women, we are all somewhere on the motherhood spectrum...we have mothers, some of us are biological, step or god mothers to children, some of us care for and nurture four-legged fur balls, and some of us nurture and mother our friends or co-workers.

I don't know much or even close to everything I should, but I do know this: your motherhood status, whatever it may be or whatever state it is in, is NOT the only thing that defines you. You, Me, We, are so much more than that!

So,  regardless of the choices we've made or where we're at in our journey, let's take this Mother's Day to support, encourage and be kind to each other. Happy Mother's Day.

Season 1 episode 22 also has another take on Mother's Day. Take a listen if you missed it.

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