Babson Built

Green Piñata Toys: Toys that Grow with your Kids

October 18, 2018 CWEL | Shiva Kashalkar Season 2 Episode 3

Shiva is an engineer, turned product manager, turned entrepreneur. She started Green Piñata over three years ago and it continues to grow today. Green Piñata delivers toys that grow with your kid: sign up, create a profile for you kid, and boom, you get safe, educational, fun toys at your door every month. Keep what you want and return the rest. In this episode, toss out your assumptions of the entrepreneur college drop-out or the “ah-ha” moment idea.  Shiva’s path to entrepreneurship is nothing like the stereotypical entrepreneur most of us think of.  Listen to this episode and hear all about how Shiva manages to work, start a business, and a new family all at the same time!