Inside Out Quality

Intermission: Hailey Nold our first intern and future therapist

Aaron & Diane

Hailey Nold joined Inside Out Quality for season two to help with planning, research, and locating guests. Learn more about Hailey and how she made our work so much fun on this intermission!

Aaron Harmon:

Welcome back to Inside Out quality podcast intermissions. On this intermission. We have Haley Nolde an intern who's been working with us for season two. I Haley heron. So I've got questions for you, and so that the listeners can learn more about you. First of all, you're currently doing an internship with South Dakota Board of Regents, is that correct?

Hailey Nold:

Yes. So I'm working under the Board of Regents for South Dakota EPSCoR. And basically, we oversee a ton of research that happens in the state of South Dakota, but specifically with the universities.

Aaron Harmon:

Now, when you got approached and said, Hey, there's this podcast about quality, would you like to help support it? What are your first thoughts?

Hailey Nold:

Um, I think my first, the first thing I did was I had to Google what quality assurance was, and then I Googled you. And I had no clue what I was getting into. And I went to our first meeting, I think I showed up. And I was expecting this very professional meeting. And we just chatted about science for an hour. And I left being very confused and knowing you were a highly intelligent person, and I was fairly excited. I feel

Aaron Harmon:

like there's to choose and ally and

Hailey Nold:

I'm not lying about being overwhelmed and intimidated. So it wasn't that.

Aaron Harmon:

Okay, so you're currently in college?

Hailey Nold:

I just graduated. I graduated in May. That's right. And

Aaron Harmon:

you were going to Augustana? Yes,

Hailey Nold:

I went to Augustana for undergrad, but I'm returning back to college. So I'll be a graduate student at Villanova, which is like 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia. So I'm gonna, I'm going from the Midwest to the East Coast.

Aaron Harmon:

And what are you going to study?

Hailey Nold:

There? I am studying clinical mental health counseling.

Aaron Harmon:

So within this podcast, you're getting some insight into like, what it's like to work with individuals that

Hailey Nold:

I've been learning a lot about what it's going to be like to work with future clients. And I feel like I've had a lot of interpersonal skills from this, I think I've learned the research side of things and the science side of things. And maybe you've learned the empathy, and the emotion. So I love it. We're learning from each other.

Aaron Harmon:

It's good. Very good. Okay, so I've got a few questions. Some of them are like a little more serious, some are not as serious. So we'll just kind of flow with this and see where it goes. So you have a chance to be up and close with a lion. Would you rather be in person or in a zoo? Like wild sorry, in the wild?

Hailey Nold:

I think if I was like in a Jeep on a safari ride, I think that would be amazing. And I would prefer that. I think I want to be the kind of person who would definitely be up to the challenge of facing a lion in person just straight up. But I think when I actually got to the situation, I would say Zoo.

Aaron Harmon:

If today had a soundtrack, like a theme song, what would you choose? Oh.

Hailey Nold:

So there's this new documentary that came out by Bo Burnham, and it was all about living inside during quarantine during COVID-19. And I loved it. It talked all about like, mental health struggles with quarantine and contemporary events and social justice, social justice and civil rights movements that are happening right now. And I think it sums everything up perfectly. And it comes with its own album of songs. And I think I would use that to describe how the world is right now. It goes from everything between social media and being an unpaid intern and anything and everything in between. And I love it. So

Aaron Harmon:

are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Hailey Nold:

I'm both I'm an ambivert. I consider myself an ambivert. Um, I have gotten more outgoing as time has gone on. And since I've been in college, I collect energy from being with people, sometimes specific people who I know really well and know me really well. But also, sometimes I just need to lay in bed and watch a movie by myself or read a book by myself. So depends on the day how I recharge. So I would say ambivert

Aaron Harmon:

I like that Hmm, what is one food you refuse to eat?

Hailey Nold:

Mushrooms? I just can't do it. Even if it's on anything if I even spotted I had to start like picking it out or I just can't eat it and I feel super bad if I ever go to like a family dinner or dinner with someone I don't know when they just made it and it has mushrooms in it. That's a super awkward situation. Yeah, like like do eat it. That's worse than facing the lion. Do you eat the mushrooms or do you just not? Man? Those are the real questions.

Aaron Harmon:

I have a story about about mushrooms. No gross food in awkward situation of the tight later.

Hailey Nold:

Okay, um,

Aaron Harmon:

I'm excited. But this episode is about you. So I'll share my story. If you could pick any person to be on this podcast for interviewing, who would you choose?

Hailey Nold:

My brother. Um, so my brother made that happen? I think we should make it happen. Okay, um My brother, beside you, of course, is one of the most intelligent people I know. You to say this Yeah, this is actually is advertised right now. So I'm paid by the minute but um, he's 19 years old, he's going to Alabama so roll tide, everyone thinks he's going for football when they look at him because he's like six, four and just like, he looks like a linebacker, but he is so passionate about math. Um, he has a whiteboard in his room. That was his birthday gift. And it was always filled with equations and formulas. I'm afraid to erase it because I think it has the next like cure for cancer or something huge for society. Um, my favorite memory of my brother is he watches MIT mathematics videos for fun. And he actually emailed a professor because he did an equation wrong. And the professor emailed back and my brother was right. So this professor redid the entire mathematics video, and it was taken during COVID-19. It was meant to be like an online class. So he looked like he reminds me so much of you. He loves interacting with people just across the world about anything.

Aaron Harmon:

I really, I think this would be amazing. He's like, I understand that. It's like

Hailey Nold:

a unique population of people. You guys get each other?

Aaron Harmon:

i Yes. Okay, restaurants you recommend in Sioux Falls.

Hailey Nold:

I love that you bring that up because we were actually just talking about that when we were outside. Um, the Phillips Avenue diner I think is one of my favorite places. That is like the epicenter of downtown you can get a milkshake there. That's like, my go to if we're talking sushi. I'm going to recommend Ohshima. Ice Cream Parlor. If you're looking for a good drawing, I love the Treasury or Fernsehen. I love trying out local places and just seeing what they have to offer in supporting small businesses. I think that is one of my favorite things about Sioux Falls and just like the unique scene of downtown.

Aaron Harmon:

Do you have any good jokes?

Hailey Nold:

Any good jokes? What's the difference between a regular joke and a dad joke?

Aaron Harmon:

I have no idea. It's a parent. It's not good, but it is a joke. That's a joke. I don't even try. Do you have any dad jokes? I do are a dad. I have one. Would you like to share with the audience? Oh, man, my kids would kill me. Okay, so go something like this. Have you heard that PETA is currently suing the NRA? I have not heard that. Yeah, they say that only bears should have the right to bear arms. I was so proud of myself for that one. Okay, so

Hailey Nold:

did your kids understand it? No. They

Aaron Harmon:

told me it was dumb. Oh,

Hailey Nold:

well, that's a good measurement. Kids are honest.

Aaron Harmon:

Yep. How would you define quality?

Hailey Nold:

How would I define quality? See, when you say the word quality, I don't think of science. I like think of people immediately. I think relationships and quality relationships. The first word that came to my mind is authentic. I think throughout the years, I've really come to appreciate authenticity and people just being so real. I think one of the reasons I want to go into accounting is because I appreciate just I appreciate radical candor. That's a word I come up with a lot. I'm a mentor of mine actually started it. And I feel like that really gets out authentic relationships. And I'm always very honored when people come to me and trust me with sharing their life stories and are really authentic and just raw with me. And I feel like that has been the foundation of some of my most quality relationships. I like that. Yeah. Not science, but we're digging into the emotions. We've made it to the more serious part of the podcast today.

Aaron Harmon:

Yes. Gotten deep. Well, thank you. Yes, thank you for sharing. It's, uh, you know, it's great that you're moving on to bigger things, but hopefully you come back.

Hailey Nold:

That's the plan for right now. So I'll be gone for three years about on the East Coast. I think I would love to come back to the Midwest. This has always been home for me. Have to see how downtown has changed.

Aaron Harmon:

It's been great having you help at the podcast. Thank you very instrumental in setting up guests and all you've done for us. So thank you, of course. Thank you