Moms of Tweens and Teens

How To Tame The High Cost Of College / Interview with Brad Baldridge

Episode 41

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Hi Friend,

Welcome to the podcast today and I'm so glad that you're here joining me.

We all know how crazy expensive college can be these days. I had no idea but the research shows,
the majority of college dropouts leave because of financial pressure

Today I am talking with
Brad Baldridge, and he is an experienced College Funding Specialist who has worked with thousands of families to plan and save for college and this is such an interesting interview because I wish I would have known Brad before my three kids went to college because so much of what he talks about I didn't know and I wasn't intentional like I could have been (my husband and I could have been) to really prepare for our kids going to college and to find creative ways to save money. 

In this episode Brad shares so much that you're going to find helpful:
How to plan ahead and how to pay for college.

  • How to plan ahead and pay for college
  • Maximizing financial aid and scholarships (there are so many scholarships out there)
  • How you can be more intentional and save money

I'm so excited for you to hear and listen to this and I know you're going to find it really helpful.

So let's jump in!


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3-Day Training Series How to Understand and Help Your Teen with Challenging Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors starting Tuesday, March 1st 1PM EST, 10PM PST, 6PM U.K

Resources Brad Mentioned In This Episode:

Financial Aid & Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator – 2022-23
The Scholarship Guide for Busy Paren

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