The Neighborhood Realtor

Playing “Show Don’t Tell” to Close 504 Units — Andrew Undem, MD

Matt Muscat

Holy production batman! We have been lucky to interview many top producing agents and teams but this episode features Andrew Undem who is in a league of his own!

In 2022 Andrew’s Sure Group team closed 504 units for over $192,000,000 in volume. He not only knows his numbers but shares many of his philosophies and secrets to how he and his team achieved these numbers. In this episode we cover a myriad of gold mine laden topics including:

  • How to ask the right questions, the importance of having processes, secret hacks for your CRM (his is BoomTown)
  • The difference between a client database and a lead database
  • Why we should all stop calling them “past” clients
  • Leveraging AI to find data in your database
  • Why pies are dumb
  • Why most agents rely on the “list and pray” method and in essence gamble with their clients money

You can find Andrew Undem online at and on Instagram at

The Neighborhood Realtor is proudly sponsored by Treadstone Funding and Neighborhood Loans. For more tangible tips in real estate marketing, check out Matt's book, The Tangible Action Guide for Real Estate Marketing available on Amazon.

Matt M. | Every single time we get an amazing guest like the one we have on today, our listenership grows. So I just want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart. Today we are joined by one of the top realtors in Maryland. Andrew. I'm them and I'm really excited to have him here. He was referred by one of my one of my best friends in realtors, a former guest on the podcast, The Mercury's Team.
Matt M. | So, Andrew, welcome to the show today.
Andrew U. | Hey, thanks for having me. I appreciate you. Let me jump on.
Matt M. | So I always like to start with the same kind of questions, but walk me through how long you've been in the business and what got you into real estate in the first place.
Andrew U. | So I've been in the business for about 12 years now. I started off selling new home construction back in 2010 and did that for a couple of years with a big national builder and saw the incredible opportunity out there in the in the resale side of things in general brokerage and decided to throw my hat in that ring And then we've grown the team a sense there and last year we did about 192 million in sales, 104 units.
Andrew U. | And I think that I think we're top five in the in the world for Berkshire Hathaway Now.
Matt M. | That's absolutely fantastic. So where does that put you in Maryland? Are you the number one guy, the number one team?
Andrew U. | Well, you know, everyone likes to say their number one is it's something it depends on. There's there's brokerages that do more than us or some of these mega teams. We've got like big outfits like Bob Macedo and Craig Northrup. But they're kind of categorized differently as brokerages. And I think, you know, I think we might be the number one team.
Matt M. | If not the coolest. I mean, you can always say, cause even if it was just voted by your parents and your mom.
Andrew U. | I mean, by far the coolest. Anyone would tell you that, obviously.
Matt M. | So I always like to ask when you hear big numbers, like 100 million, 200 million, I like to ask what the makeup of your business is like. Did you sell $190 million house like Grindstone or. Yeah, we all wish. What was what's the average price point that your team's working on?
Andrew U. | Our average price point is around 370.
Matt M. | Oh, my God. That's that's an insane volume for an average price point of 30. 70.
Andrew U. | Yeah, it's 504 units. So a good healthy mix of buyers and sellers. And we have right now 27 agents and four staff. But, you know, it's kind of like the 8020 rule. You know, maybe 80% of that production is done by the 20% of the team members. We have some real hitters.
Matt M. | So I love it. So what how long have you been in just residential sales since you left the building side of things?
Andrew U. | Let's see, I was with Ryan from 2010 at the end of 2012, so I was right at the end of 2012. So a little over a decade I've been on the resale side of things.
Matt M. | Okay. And was there like a moment or something that happened when your business just really popped or has it been like, did you start like 10 million to 12 to 20 to 100? Like, what was your what was your like, you know, your arc?
Andrew U. | Well, I got I had a big advantage because when I was working for the Builder at Ryan Homes, which is NPR Inc, they're one of the I think the fourth fourth biggest builder in the country. I have an incredible training program where they send your way and they do all this testing three different trips and they really make sure you know how to sell a new home from a model home capacity.
Andrew U. | So I'm essentially a professional, open house person and when they come in, they have to buy from you. And your job is to sell all the homes in the community. That was incredible practice. But the other thing I had is on my days off, one of my great friends worked for one of the top sales consulting firms in the mid-Atlantic, and I'd go work there on my days off, which were Tuesday and Wednesday.
Andrew U. | So then I'm learning some really intense B-to-B sales skills and I'm learning how to do the kind of residential new homes sales. And I got to practice that stuff every day for almost three years. So when I got into the general real estate brokerage business, I had a lot of training and out of I think my first year, we had no website, no CRM, no nothing.
Andrew U. | I sold 38 houses, 40 houses.
Matt M. | But you had sales, you had you had some training in not only in real estate, but also, you know, a different industry, which I think is huge.
Andrew U. | It's huge. And that that's the biggest that's the biggest mistake most agents make. Now, no one in my opinions got even remotely close to enough sales training where they know exactly what their process is going to be when they're meeting with the buyer, whether it's an online lead at an open house, whether it's a referral, how you interact with the referrer, the refer E and really systemize that process in a crystallized clear way.
Andrew U. | That's in arguably leading you and the client to get exactly what they want.
Matt M. | Well, I think we have to I think this is kind of like a write this down moment for everyone out there. It's not driving in. If you are driving like stop and pull over and write this down. But if you're in real estate or lending or any type of sales, you need to be able to answer this question easily In 10 seconds, what is your sales plan?
Matt M. | What like how do you go to market with a buyer lead? How do you go to market with celluloid? What is your proven process for those? If you can't answer that in a way that a five year old would understand probably means you don't have one, Is that kind of is that kind of the gist of it?
Andrew U. | I mean, yeah, it can get a little bit more granular too, because it's all about asking the right questions and everybody's different. So you do have to have a process, but that process has to have enough flexibility to go in any number of directions based on who you're talking to, because no two people are the same. So you hear some cheesy sales books that says this is exactly how you have to do it for everybody.
Andrew U. | That's not the case. Your job is to get to the truth as quickly as possible and figure out if you're the person who can deliver what this person needs at a high level. And if you are not the right person and oftentimes you're not because it's not worth your time, there's going to be too much anguish. They're not ready.
Andrew U. | You're not ready. You got to part company real quick and too many agents waste too much time chasing shit that's never going to pan out. But now you have to have a sales process. That's a long winded way of answering that first question of that's how I ramped up pretty quickly as I was just able to figure out if I can help people.
Matt M. | And when you figure that out quickly, you get to the point of sale quickly and you you can ensure that more of your time is spent on those green time activities that are that are profitable for you. I love that. So obviously now you guys have probably a lot of test clients if you're doing that many units per year, what is what's the size of your database team wise?
Andrew U. | We have a so we're on Boomtown. Okay. If you're familiar with the Boomtown sound, we love Boomtown. Shout out to Greer. They just had they just got acquired actually. So that was big news in the real estate industry.
Matt M. | Did you get like a wicked party when they got acquired?
Andrew U. | There will be a hell of a party in Charleston on April 15th.
Matt M. | I can't wait to hear about that.
Andrew U. | It'll be a boomtown tonight. But I think right now we have about 78,000 people in the database.
Matt M. | And what are you doing with those people? I'm assuming that with your volume there's quite a bit of I would say, real communication with some pretty high quality. But walk me through a couple of the things you're more proud of that you're doing with your database.
Andrew U. | Well, so there's a big difference between the overall database and the client base. So kind of how we interact with our past clients might be a little bit different than how we're interacting with just the the swaths of people in that database. Not all 78,000. We've we've not sold all those people houses.
Matt M. | Well, one day will.
Andrew U. | One day we will. So we use it. There's a lot of AI in there and we leverage all the best practices that I think most of the top teams do, because you're not going to be able to sell two homes a day every weekday like us last year, unless you have a lot of systemized processes around communicating with people.
Andrew U. | But they have to be designed on how to get get the client what they want, not what I want, but what they want.
Matt M. | Which is fascinating because most it seems like most salespeople put all of the people in their database on one campaign and they communicate the same content when that's not and that's a more respectful way. Like you, a seller needs a past client who's a seller who was seller needs X, and it can be very different. I mean, you can't communicate in blanket statements in this industry anymore.
Andrew U. | Exactly. So you have to be able to go deep any time we do get an opportunity, whether it's someone from an open house or a referral past client online lead, whatever, we put, everybody's kind of on a customized situation and they're tagged properly so we can retarget them in the fashion, in the modality in which we believe they want to be communicated with.
Andrew U. | But that, you know, Matt, that's a conversation that can go so tacky and into the weeds. I don't want to bore you with exactly how the AI and how Facebook and Instagram and YouTube ads and Google pay per click all kind of bake into this thing where we opportunities bubble up and then we we make sure we attack them properly.
Matt M. | But that's awesome. Now, when it comes to when it comes to kind of high touch communication then etc., marketing to your past clients, your VP's walk us through what that looks like for your team.
Andrew U. | You know, that's something I think we could do a better job of. Like you mentioned, Mark Brace, I know he does a great job at this type of thing where most agents they would like, they go over the top with all their past clients. They're VIPs, they're A-plus people who refer them. Now, we've done some of these things like we'll have events like we had a huge fireworks event on 4th of July.
Andrew U. | We had kegs and live music. And you invite your past clients and that's great. But what I found is and I you know, I may be wrong, but I'm convinced that's not what your clients actually want. They don't want to be part of your friend club. They want somebody when they're going to transact real property and make a massive decision.
Andrew U. | Hundreds of thousands of dollars typically levered up or if it's cash doesn't matter, they want someone who they know can influence the outcome of a transaction. That's what they actually want. So these agents, a lot of times you probably heard him on your show said, Oh, no, we give away roses and we do this and we do big paydays.
Andrew U. | That's great. And I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm just saying think about what you'd actually want if you're about to buy a house. Do you want someone who's going to give you a pie or do you want somebody going to stuff money in your pocket? You know, someone is going to go.
Matt M. | That's a great for them. Because, I mean, if you think about it, there are certain states where a lot of people, you know, use attorneys for real estate transactions, and you wouldn't expect a professional attorney to invite you to a PI day. But yet a lot of realtors do that. Again, not not right or wrong, but it's just it's a different way of looking at things.
Andrew U. | Yeah. I mean, I think it's wrong. You can't pass clients for one past clients says a word you shouldn't say because if you're calling, Hey, I'm having an event for my past clients. Well, that makes you their past agent. This industry, this whole industry is so tied up on the transaction that they're only your clients during a transaction.
Andrew U. | That's what the whole industry is coached. Everyone how to do, how to do it. I take care of my past clients this way. No doctor or lawyer says, Oh, there's Randy, there's my past client, that's my client.
Matt M. | It's my current client. It's my client, it's my friend is my X-Y-Z.
Andrew U. | So here's a take away moment. You have to be treating your clients like clients, regardless of whether or not they're transacting real estate with you. That's the paradigm shift.
Matt M. | I love that.
Andrew U. | Most agents are only want to give you the time of day if you're really, Hey, are you preapproved? Are we shopping for homes? Are you thinking about listing? Because if you're not one in one of these two buckets, I don't want to talk to you unless it's at my payday where I want to give you something and then maybe out of reciprocity to send me a referral.
Matt M. | Yeah. And then there it's a thousand people picking up the Costco pay.
Andrew U. | Just give me a break.
Matt M. | I love that. So how. How are you? So it seems like you're communicating in a very different way and categorizing people in very different ways, which I love the than the average agent out there. And you're obviously doing a lot more business than the average agent. I mean, the average person Pride is two deals a year and you're doing 500.
Matt M. | What what are some of the other secret sauce items that you feel like you've done over the past years that are really, really worked for you and the systems you've built?
Andrew U. | Well, you know, there's so many stakeholders involved in a transaction. So when you think about the problems that come up, you know, a good agent is a job. You have to be a a really good we're talking about listings now is just take it one set. There's two sides of the business are buyers and sellers but say representing a seller and I typically represent more sellers these days.
Andrew U. | You have to be an effective marketer in market like the year you live in. So there's one secret sauce. You don't just put the house on the MLS and pray to God someone comes and sells it. That's what most people do in. They're proud of it. No, I put it in the MLS. I did it right here in the district.
Andrew U. | I'm descriptions in there, let's say. Well, see if it if it doesn't sell, maybe I maybe we'll lower the price. That happens every day. The public doesn't even understand the atrocities and the container and going on that. That's how most the industry works because of this thing called ADX. ADX. What say the most agents don't explain that to their clients.
Andrew U. | Maybe because some of them don't even know how to articulate it themselves. The Internet data exchange, that beautiful thing that says as soon as you put a property in the MLS, it goes to all of these third party sites Zillow, Redfin, Century 21, Coldwell Banker, Berkshire Hathaway. It's everywhere. That's great. But most people don't know how to get in front of that because what we do, and I like to say we don't gamble with our clients equity.
Andrew U. | Matt I don't gamble with that. I don't just put it on there and hope it sells. You have to do a lot of marketing before that. Leveraging coming soon, leveraging social media, putting out compelling content and distributing it in a fashion that makes sense. So you have to create and control the lifestyle story of a house and you guys can see any of this stuff on, on our YouTube channel where our team is called the shirt group Sugar Real Estate on every channel or just go to Andrew on them dot com.
Andrew U. | You'll find it.
Matt M. | For anyone listening. We're going to have links to this in the body of the podcast.
Andrew U. | Yeah. So like I like to play a game called Show Don't Tell. So if I'm with you as a seller, I'll say like, boom, here's this video of this last listing we did. We got 27,000 views of targeted views from the buyer profile demographic we know is most likely to be interested in this House because, Matt, we know your house here.
Andrew U. | The buyers probably between the ages of 25 and 42, making over 160 K living in a 15 mile radius so we can make all those people see this compelling video where we control the narrative of the house, where if you just looked at the pictures, you'd miss it. Oh yeah, because, because no one's describing this and that's you do that way before the house is ever on the market.
Andrew U. | Then you go comingsoon and you're targeting not just the public, you're targeting the agents. You know, all the agents are buyers. See, no one does that because it's way too much work.
Matt M. | And if you ask most if a buyer or seller were to ask their agent, What are you doing to get my home sold, they're either going to give them a Kindle listing presentation that the broker gave them that really focuses on we'll get your house on thousands of websites, which is just ADX, like you just said. But I love the idea of using the past marketing you've done for other homes as ammunition to get your next to get your next listing.
Matt M. | I think so many times someone might actually spring for a great a great video. They won't hire a videographer, maybe even make a lifestyle video for that property. But then that video, in essence, expires as soon as soon as their mind has shifted from what was that immediate task at hand, when really that's something to showcase to when your next property and I love love the mindset there.
Andrew U. | Why wouldn't you do it for every property? You should even sleep in that. That's what I'm saying. I don't gamble with my clients equity. I'm going to do this for everybody because I know this is the way to get you the most money in your pocket. So I charge the same as everyone else.
Matt M. | Let's flip it for the buyers, because that's that's genius. And it's a total mindset shift, I think, for most agents and also for buyers. What is the hurdles to Iraq and what are you doing? Right.
Andrew U. | Well, so when you break down the buyer, I kind of start to talk about it. But we went listings and when you look a buyer has to understand the amount of people who have who are stakeholders in the transaction. So you have them, the buyer buyer's agent, hopefully you seller seller's agent, mortgage loan originator, appraiser, inspector title attorney, whatever.
Andrew U. | However title and escrow works in any number of inspectors depending on the property. So there's a cast of characters and what a buyer's where the buyer's agent's job really is, is to show their buyer how they can help navigate that process and make sure at every step with every professional who's involved in this transaction, those are just the cast of characters.
Andrew U. | And you have the timeline right you to look for the home, make an offer, blah, blah, blah. At every turn you can either be winning or losing, and our clients are winning because we do so many deals that we can influence the lenders to give us. We can ensure that you're going to get the lowest rate with the lowest fee.
Andrew U. | We're not going to let you get jerked around by them. One of the components of value here, some of the write down a great thing to say is one of the components of value we bring to the relationship is blank as we always help people get the lowest rate with the lowest fee from the mortgage companies. They hate it, but my fiduciary responsibility is to you.
Andrew U. | Same thing with the inspectors, same thing with the title company. And oh, by the way, all these listing agents, I know them because like around here in Baltimore, in Maryland, 90% of the real estate sold by 10% of the agents. So odds are when you see a house and you really like it, I'll know who that listing agent is and I'll get to the truth quickly with them so we can gather.
Andrew U. | And you get paid in direct proportion to the information you gather as a buyer's agent, not the information you give. So when you like a property, good agent gathers all the information possible. Who's the seller? When did they buy it? How are they holding title? Why are they looking to move? How many showings have they had? Have they had any interest, etc., etc., etc. Gathering as much information as possible.
Andrew U. | So you can go back to your buyer and say, Look, here's all the recon I did, here's how we should formulate this offer. That's not like, Oh, I hope you offer full price. Hey, you like it? Yeah. Okay, let's fire four or five. It's everyone's a little bit too lazy, Matt. And the consumers are smart. The consumers are smart.
Andrew U. | And if you do this for long enough, I was going to say, I just want that guy. I know he doesn't do the PI's. I you know, I know he didn't send me a magnet from afar. I'm trying to make some money here.
Matt M. | What I think it's really interesting is I think a lot of first time homebuyers don't necessarily know what they want. Write their own Zillow. They're filling in form 13,000 contacts, etc.. But by the time they're going to choose their second realtor, they're oftentimes not choosing that first first thing. And because they found out that their friend had a tremendous advantage in a different process by working with a professional realtor, you really want above and beyond someone like yourself.
Matt M. | I think the other piece is there's a big disconnect between what buyers are looking for today and what realtor buyer agents are prepared to offer them. I think I see a lot of like I ask a realtor, okay, what do you do for your client? And they go, Oh, I find my clients houses. I'm like, Oh, that's useful.
Matt M. | Zillow sends people links to houses that are for sale, that are already on the market that your clients could have easily told you they wanted to see. How are you adding value to your clients beyond just sending them information through an internet? Like is that a 3% job or is that your admin role? Like how, how else do people manage that?
Matt M. | I think too many people are just showing people what's already on the internet and not necessarily guiding them through that being the professional. And I think a way to summarize what you said is you're quarterbacking the sale, you're leading that cast of characters, and you're you're in essence, making it easier, easier for your clients. They only have to really deal with you on a super high level and everyone else kind of falls in line, which which I love the trust that they imbue and you then carries through to everybody else, which makes it a better transaction for the lender inspector or the title or whatever.
Andrew U. | If you do your job right, that client at the end of it should really have a good understanding of every little aspect of the transaction and how it can benefit them or how it could potentially go against them depending on how the negotiation goes around the five key areas of purchase price, closing cost, contingencies, deposits and settlement dates.
Matt M. | All of that.
Andrew U. | So like every little thing matters, but agents don't agents don't do it, particularly on the buy side. They're just so excited to have a client. Let me just show you around. Is this the one you want to make an offer on first? It's a tough it's a tough gig, but it's underappreciated. A quality buyer agency, that is. And that's why when they're thinking about saying, hey, look, make the buyers pay their own agents and all that kind of craziness that goes on with the commission, I always say, look, the best trained agents love a muddy field, change all the rules because at the end of the day, quality is quality.
Andrew U. | If you're going to do the right thing for your client and have a good process and you actually do have their best interests at heart and you can get through some of this tough stuff and gather intel and help them make good decisions, you're going to win. You'll win even more in that environment.
Matt M. | And now a message from our sponsors. The neighborhood realtor is made possible by the generous support of Treadstone funding in neighborhood loans with locations all over the U.S. neighborhood Loans believes in doing mortgages better, faster, smarter, and creating personal relationships with our clients and realtors. Well, I think that gathering intel on is especially big because not I mean, not every agent has the agent relationships in the industry.
Matt M. | Yet there may be a brand new agent. It's not every agent has the resources to to go all in on something. But I mean, anyone can make a video, right?
Andrew U. | They have the ability to gather the information they want.
Matt M. | Anyone can gather intel. You just have to ask the right questions and be around and listen.
Andrew U. | If you want better answers, ask better questions during.
Matt M. | That's the write this down moment. Like, how many questions are you out there listening, asking to your buyers, your sellers, your friends, and those people in your sphere?
Andrew U. | Usually when does a seller want to move? If the house is vacant, you're if you're have a client and the house is vacant, probably that seller wants to sell ASAP. Now, if that if they like another house, but that families live in there, maybe their family might want to stay for 90 days. So you might offer differently on either of those two homes because hey yet if you give if you can find a way to give the seller what they want and you can still get what you want, which is maybe a lower price, maybe more closing cost help, that's how you do it.
Matt M. | So you have a lot of psychology in the advice that you're giving out. Did you get a lot of this from the trainings you had earlier in your career, or have these been kind of items that you've picked up over time?
Andrew U. | Yeah, that's a good question. I think, you know, what we're doing is not rocket surgery. We're not curing cancer. We're not doing crazy chemistry things. And the beautiful thing is also we're not competing on Wall Street against the Flash boys with supercomputers and these hedge funds, which is why this is a great business to study up on, because you can really help your clients win if you can simply calmly collect and gather information and leverage that information for your clients benefit.
Andrew U. | So it's not like there's not that much psychology to it other than can you remain calm and simply and clearly articulate exactly the process you think anatomically like this is exactly the way this should go, as if you were a doctor explaining, you know, spine doctor talking about the skeleton. No, no. See this up here? This is vertebrates.
Andrew U. | So you break that, you can't walk. So they know exactly what they're talking about. That's how an agent needs to do it. And guess what? There's more than I'm not saying I got. I know all the answers. I just know a way that's worked for me. And it probably is based more just on sales in general, because how I'd interact with a client who's trading real property is be very comparable with different terms, right, in a slightly different timeline and process.
Andrew U. | And if I was selling anything, if I was selling 10,000 computers to the Pentagon, same process.
Matt M. | Okay. So let's move on to a quick marketing one. So you mentioned use Boomtown. You mentioned that you're a huge fan of Boomtown for those. I feel that most people out there are under utilizing their CRM or not using it for the right types of things, in essence, multiple user CRM for evil rather than for good. These are the same people that they're trying to get, that they're trying to work with.
Matt M. | How when you're when you get the leads off of Boomtown that are, you know the Google pixel avoids what is, give us a quick synopsis of your process and how you how you guys do things.
Andrew U. | So we've changed this so many times over the years. But the number one key thing you want Matt describing, of course, is when you people come to your website and they give you their information because they're shopping for homes and you get their information, how do you handle that? Right? Is that the last year? Because what happens is that random.
Matt M. | People that don't really know you other than they found a house online, they collect submit info.
Andrew U. | Right. So the key there is to get speed. The lead is in the key thing. We try to get in front of everyone within the first 2 minutes. 2 minutes. If you inquire on our website, we're going to get back to you in. It's with the mindset of how how do we give this person exactly what they want?
Andrew U. | Well, we we don't assume we know what you want, so we have to ask these questions. Hey, what types of things are you interested in with this technology today? A lot of this can be automated, but as soon as you have a two way conversation, human beings got to be involved immediately. Now, of course, the humans involved right out of the gate with a phone call.
Andrew U. | We like to be the phone call versus the text guys, but there's a whole trigger and series of events. As soon as you inquire, we want to serve, and that's the truth. And we want to sell your house and our list your house and make money. And the way we justify that thought processes, you're better off with us.
Andrew U. | And when you as an agent get to a point and most producers are at this point, but a lot of people are struggling to get their books are still learning and everyone's always still learning. A big core value on our team is constant, never ending improvement, but one when you get to the point where you really do believe that they're better off with you, all these conversations are really easy.
Matt M. | Right? If you truly believe in yourself that they're that your clients and everyone out there is better with you, you can you can operate from that place of honesty and confidence.
Andrew U. | Exactly. Then you have no problem calling these strangers because you're there to serve.
Matt M. | I love that. So, Andrew, if there's an Asian out there, then they have a referral that they want to send to best Agent in Maryland, someone that's going to treat their clients well, how would they get a hold of you and your team?
Andrew U. | I'm really easy to find. We just launched a Andrew Random podcast for Matt. Maybe I'll have you flip the script. Me Just funny. My first one was with Sirhan.
Matt M. | Oh, no way.
Andrew U. | Yeah, you know, so everyone tells me I look like him. You can tell how much gray hair I have, but I was up with New York with him hanging out. He's. He's the real deal is a fun guy.
Matt M. | You probably have more units, though, right?
Andrew U. | A little bit more units. But like at 1/10 of the volume.
Matt M. | Of couple of billion last. No, we deal.
Andrew U. | Yeah. Yeah. About a billion less in sales. But Andrew underscored again our team is sure group real estate we serve all of Maryland and look we're eager to help people and Matt I love what you're doing is you're asking great questions and you know I was kind of hardcore there, but I just like, look, that's what we believe.
Andrew U. | And we also have a lot of fun and everyone on our team has a lot of fun and we make a lot of money and that's what we're about. So I appreciate you having me on.
Matt M. | I really appreciate it. I think people really will resonate with all this stuff. All right. Thank you so much to see you guys. Thanks for listening. And a huge thank you to our sponsors, Neighborhood Loans and TREADSTONE Mortgage. With offices around the U.S., their loan officers offer a realtor centric focus and personal communication from real humans, plus on time closings that frankly, are faster than most of the mortgage companies want to be connected to.
Matt M. | Great ELO message. Meet your host for more information and I will connect you with a loan officer in your neighborhood. One more Marketing Tips. Check out my book on Amazon Tag The Tangible Action Guide for Real Estate Marketing. And finally, if you want to support the show and hear even better guests, leave this review on the podcast platform.
Matt M. | The US on.


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