The Neighborhood Realtor
The Neighborhood Realtor
Doubling Your Current Client Referrals — Brian Tash, MO
You don’t have to spend lots of money on online leads! Just take your current clients and find ways to go deeper with them. It's easier to get more referrals from people who already know and like you!
In this episode we sit down with Brian Tash, REALTOR with The Agency in St. Louis, MO. A career Realtor for 18 years, Brian kills it in his local suburban market where in 2022 he sold 60+ homes for over $20,000,000. Having a small team of administrative staff helps Brian go deeper with the clients they work with, and truly make them his number one referral source.
Connect with Brian online:
- https://www.theagencystl.com/team/brian-tash-licensed-real-estate-agent
- Brian@TheAgencyStl.com // 314-893-7870
- https://www.instagram.com/briantash.saintlouisrealtor/?hl=en
The Neighborhood Realtor is proudly sponsored by Treadstone Funding and Neighborhood Loans. For more tangible tips in real estate marketing, check out Matt's book, The Tangible Action Guide for Real Estate Marketing available on Amazon.
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00:00:03:06 | Brian Tash | People need to understand that this is not just a salesperson pushing a game. You actually have to care about your clients. You actually care that you're doing the right thing. You have to know and be confident that you're helping those people because you're the expert. You are.
00:00:21:09 | Matt M. | Hey, everybody, thank you so much for tuning in today. I am super pumped for our guest to have him on the show. He was actually a referral from a past guest, Greg Iverson. And that's really how we continue to meet awesome people to interview. So today, welcome to the show, Brian Tosh from Saint Louis with the agency. How are you today, Brian?
00:00:38:17 | Brian Tash | I'm well. Thank you for having me on. I really appreciate it. This is the kind of stuff I love. So this is great.
00:00:44:04 | Matt M. | Yeah, right. Like when you're in real estate, connecting, meeting new people, it's kind of like the best way to grow. You don't always know where it's going to lead to, but you know it's going to lead somewhere.
00:00:52:14 | Brian Tash | Correct? Yeah. I mean, the goal is give a value. And that's what I like to you. You know, spout off software to be of assistance to anybody that's looking for for a value add here.
00:01:03:24 | Matt M. | Awesome. Well, tell us. So, Brian, I know you're a top producer now, but how long have you been in the business and where did you start?
00:01:10:22 | Brian Tash | So come this summer, it'll be 18 years. I started off in 2005 during the bubble, and I got into it because I had an uncle who was in the business and my father died. And so now I'm very close with me, only 19 years apart. So, you know, here's a guy that didn't really graduate high school and and was just a super personal guy.
00:01:32:01 | Brian Tash | And I always related with him. And so it was like, okay, I wanted something that was different on a day to day basis. I wanted something that, you know, that had an unlimited potential for growth and and find a niche. And that's kind of what resonated with me. And yeah, so that I can use those skills and apply and thrive.
00:01:49:20 | Brian Tash | Wow.
00:01:50:16 | Matt M. | That's awesome. So when you get into the business, obviously you've been in it for 18 years now and you were I'm assuming you weren't always a mega-producer Like how long did it take you to, to really find your stride in this industry? Because there's so many realtors. I mean, like the failure rate is ridiculous, like the barrier to entry is low, right?
00:02:09:00 | Matt M. | But the failure rate is high. So how long did it take you to spin your wheels before you found and perfected a lot of the systems that you have today? And I know it's always a work in progress, but I like new realtors. You hear from producers now how it started in the first couple of years?
00:02:26:06 | Brian Tash | Well, the first couple years a little different because I started off at a coal bank or branch and it was like, this is not for me. You know, I can't go straight, you know, straight up Commission 1099 So what I did was I latched on with a small brokerage here in Saint Louis where that bought clerk foreclosures on the courthouse steps.
00:02:42:11 | Brian Tash | And then I was their salaried sales and leasing agent making make some commission doing that. So I did that. And then I started to go on my own, probably at the worst possible time, which was actually up.
00:02:54:05 | Matt M. | In six to dozens of in.
00:02:55:22 | Brian Tash | 2007. And it was rep for I got married. So it literally led to the perfect storm of horrible timing. And I, you know, being young and naive, I decided that this is the time to do it. So I went to the the Great Recession, struggling, latched on with a with an Oreo broker who would just feed me the leads and I would just hammer call and follow up.
00:03:17:02 | Brian Tash | So to be you know, to be candid with you, man, it took a lot long time It would take it's one of those things where I kicked down all the way to rock bottom in order to claw my way out. And with a lot of help. Lots of help. So but let's not forget that so really started to see the tide turn in 2012.
00:03:36:10 | Brian Tash | Or I decided that I wanted to get a little bit more into the retail aspect of it because I was doing so much REO bank owned properties. The bank would take it back after after. No, it wouldn't sell because there's so much inequity. And now we started to see the tide turn off the market. So it took a little bit.
00:03:51:15 | Brian Tash | So about 2012, 2013 is when things started to really produce, started to add up those those numbers and really kind of started to blow up in the in the mid 20 teens.
00:04:02:19 | Matt M. | And what do you think was the big turning point for you? Is it the fact that you switched around, the type of business you were working, or did you put any different systems or procedures in place that helped you get there?
00:04:12:15 | Brian Tash | I think the same thing. It was a lot of just maturity. Instead of engaging in an argument with a potential buyer or seller and trying to prove, you know, that I know more, it was more listening, asking the right questions, and then landing in a program where you got some guidance. Because a lot of times we get we're given that that boilerplate, you know, playbook of how to do real estate call first.
00:04:36:10 | Brian Tash | Bo's call expires. You know and here's the script to go with it's kind of surrounding yourself with the right people and doing it the right way. And, you know, trial and error failure is always a great way to learn. So that's kind of.
00:04:50:23 | Matt M. | What I said. You actually said three monumental things all wrapped up into one sentence. And I feel like I need to like pause and unpack those a little bit. So the first thing you said that I feel like is a commonality among all the top producers of the interview. First thing you said is you learned to shut up and listen and you learn to stop arguing.
00:05:09:18 | Matt M. | And that's hilarious, right? Like, it's so funny. I mean, like, you know, you're a new realtor, you technically don't know anything. And your client who they're buying their first home of their lifetime or maybe their third, but you've sold like ten or 12 or however many you've sold it. But so many new realtors do want to argue and really take that conversation in a negative place when really if you just listen, listen, listen, ask more questions.
00:05:35:19 | Matt M. | You not only develop rapport, you show them that you're listening. You show them that you know what you're doing. But it might avoid the entire argument and you'll be able to then guide them in a better way.
00:05:46:07 | Brian Tash | Absolutely. I mean, technically, you have time when you when you give the client the time of possession, you're in control, because then they're the ones who are asking you, you know, and don't forget. And when you're asking the question, the next questions embedded in the answer that they're getting right now. So it's really try to be a lot more strategic about it.
00:06:06:18 | Brian Tash | Instead of pound in your chest and saying that you're the expert, you're the expert when the buyer or the seller acknowledges your your listening skills. And that's number one.
00:06:18:04 | Matt M. | One of the thing, too. There's and I think it takes salespeople a little bit to learn this, right. But I think most people assume that the person talking the most is holding the power in that relationship or conversation. But oftentimes it's the person who's asking the most and the right questions, who's really holding the power, because you're not giving up your your position and you're able to figure out the perfect ending without without giving it away at the very beginning.
00:06:46:14 | Matt M. | So I think listening and asking questions is probably the biggest lesson for any realtor. And then the other thing I heard you say is that you, you know, you're given all these tools from a brokerage. And I think anyone that's at a big brokerage today or anyone that has, you know, you know, a great mentor, we're given all of these hundreds of playbooks that work for the average agents.
00:07:06:02 | Matt M. | But what's fascinating is that a lot of the stuff that's given to the average agent doesn't work for anyone. Individual agents, these are you know, you're in a different market. You're you come from a different group of people. I mean, there's so many reasons that you kind of have to figure out some of your own things. It's like if I'm a new agent or any wonder, my whole goal is to talk to every top producer in my market and find out what's working for them.
00:07:27:12 | Matt M. | Until I find an idea that I think that sounds cool to me, right? Like if door knocking and fizzles out your gym, then don't do that, right? Like, like we all need to hustle a little bit at the beginning, but there's so many avenues for real estate marketing that it's really about figuring out which one makes sense for you.
00:07:43:24 | Brian Tash | Yeah, and I think that you need to know who you are. Like you just said, Matt, you needed to understand who you are, and then you need to kind of be the what you want to be the expert in is not chatting away to the point where people think that you're, you know, God's gift to a real estate is to figure out what kind of person you're working with.
00:08:03:17 | Brian Tash | Because some of people, if you go to the highest profile, you'll be able to recognize those people and you'll be able to alter or adjust your approach to that person or those people. And during during whatever it is. And a lot of it's 60% of what it is. The feedback is given in body language. You've got to recognize that.
00:08:23:02 | Brian Tash | And I'm not saying to stare at somebody, just you'll be able to tell I can walk and walk to walk through with you, Matt, on a whole. And I can tell if you like it or not. I could just say, Look, I can clearly tell this is not a place for you, is it not? Well, let's get out.
00:08:37:16 | Brian Tash | Let's not waste your time. So we learn the modalities of people and recognize what the what they're giving off. And that's gonna give you a lot of what information right off the bat without even saying a word.
00:08:51:01 | Matt M. | Real estate has a lot of contracts. I want this podcast to have a social contract as well. Here's what I need from you. If you're listening to the show and you get something valuable out of it or you hear something that you think, that's awesome, I want you to send me a dime on Instagram, or if you find my email, send it that way.
00:09:06:12 | Matt M. | The more feedback that I get helps me to put together better shows and attract better guests. Well, let's talk about that. All right. So I know a lot of our all of my colleagues are in the same coaching program, mentorship program that you're in. And disc profiling is huge. So in essence, like psychological profiling, working for the D, the idea s and the see, what are some of the and I think a lot of people understand the high D personality just because that's like a thing but how give us some pointers on use doing like a snap disk assessment on one of your clients without physically making them take this like hour and a half
00:09:38:17 | Matt M. | long test Because I've always been told like, oh, like running this profile on someone and then all to your pitch. But like whenever I've taken the disk, it's like a huge test. I'm taking it. I'm not like giving them to every client. So how do you do that? Like, I'm sure it takes some time, but give us some quick pointers.
00:09:53:06 | Brian Tash | Great pointers. Okay, so we just went over this with one of our coaching calls recently. So the greatest thing is if you Google or if you look at the YouTube video for oh, what is the I'll get to the Disney movie where the Zootopia where it's Zootopia DMV, it gives you literally the snapshot. There's ideas. If they're talk fast and you don't like them, that's a D if they talk.
00:10:15:22 | Matt M. | Fast, if you if you talk fast and you don't like him there.
00:10:18:12 | Brian Tash | D Yeah, that's a really, really broad stroke generalization. So if they're indeed and they talk fast and you don't like them, if they're an AI and they talk fast and you do like them, they're an AI. If they're an S, they talk slow and you don't like them. And if they're a C, then they talk slow and you do like that.
00:10:38:04 | Brian Tash | So interesting. It's got it's kind of it's kind of one of those things where but if you Google the Zootopia DMV, the one that's going really slowly and slack, it's pretty pretty obvious that they're that they're an S and that's an easy way to to to dive into it. So what's the time you see like a you know, the people are super detail oriented and slow moving.
00:11:02:15 | Brian Tash | Those are going to be so those are going to see those are going to be the more of the scenes there be a lot more analytical and a lot slower to to to make those decisions. So that's just kind of like a really broad, broad stroke to do it. But Zootopia DC.
00:11:17:06 | Matt M. | So how do you so what are you altering in your pitch? Let's say you have a seller that you're working with that's a high D How are you going to alter your your communication and service to them?
00:11:29:04 | Brian Tash | Okay. So Heidi is somebody that they just want they just want give me that. Give me the barebones of it. Don't don't sugarcoat it. Don't give me all the bells and whistles. They just want to know, what do I need? Tell me how to do it. Where do I sign? Okay, so give them the big bullet points because they want to be in and out in 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes.
00:11:49:09 | Brian Tash | They don't want a long, drawn out process.
00:11:52:18 | Matt M. | They're like, That's what they're you. You're the professional. You figure it out.
00:11:55:23 | Brian Tash | You tell me what you know. They may want to take control of the situation and certain aspects of them. Where is the you know, let them know that, hey, you're the decision making party. I'm the process driven party. And if we stay in our lanes, we will not have any problems. Okay. I have a great process. It's not to be interrupted.
00:12:13:04 | Brian Tash | I will never make a decision for you because it's you and your money. So that's the kind of thing that we like to establish from from day one with the D give them that. Give them the bare bones of everything.
00:12:24:07 | Matt M. | Okay, Walk me through this. What do you do with an eye?
00:12:27:03 | Brian Tash | With an eye? You're going to do a little bit more. They're going to want to do a little bit more of a side conversation because the more of the party people, most realtors are eyes. I'm a high. I would be. So they're going to want to talk a little bit more about, oh, okay. This neighborhood. Oh, yeah. My friend my friend lives in that neighborhood.
00:12:44:00 | Brian Tash | Let's talk about, you know, their house and you know, they're going to want to go in a little bit more detail about what? Well, about about some of the other aspects of it and what they can do to to make themselves separate a little bit more. And they're going to do a little bit more more of that and they're going to want to chat up a little bit more.
00:13:02:05 | Matt M. | So do you just feed into that or is there anything you need to do to corral that or to to operate differently with them?
00:13:08:18 | Brian Tash | You want to engage, you want to have the conversations with them that they're engaging with you from. I think, tone your tone of DNA is going to be a little bit louder than an S in a AC So that you're going to you're going to want to do that. You're definitely going to want to have that with with, with.
00:13:25:19 | Brian Tash | And I want.
00:13:26:19 | Matt M. | To listen with us.
00:13:28:24 | Brian Tash | When working with an S, they're going to be a lot more. They're going to be a lot more, you know, bring your tone down and you're going to have to bring some numbers here to show us some numbers. You have to go a lot more detail and go through most of the stuff page by page. We have a pretty good process where to go back over and we're to walk through well, we're going to talk a little bit more about every aspect of the home.
00:13:50:02 | Brian Tash | And, you know, they're going to want to make a decision pretty soon right then and there. Okay. They're going to want that sort of aspect covered, but they want to know the fine details and you want to give them a lot more slack on floor to ask questions because they're going to process it a little bit quicker than when we go to them, see aspect of it.
00:14:11:17 | Brian Tash | All right. So so there's going to be they're going to be detailed details.
00:14:15:20 | Matt M. | So interesting. So they want all the information, but they're not a D we're they don't want to just gloss over it and and kind of guide them there quickly. They want they want all the information, but they want to understand it and process it.
00:14:28:00 | Brian Tash | Yes, they do. I'm going to give them time to process it.
00:14:30:23 | Matt M. | Give them time. So if you haven't asked, give them time. So if you ever see how do you work with them.
00:14:34:21 | Brian Tash | Well, and they're they're much more on the opposite end of the spectrum, really polar opposite of a deal. You're going to have to go really slow and you're going to have to bring your tone. Now you got to be on the same level and you're really going to have to number it up and you're going to have to go broad and chunk everything down to their neighborhood specific and you're going to have to go.
00:14:55:19 | Brian Tash | And you've got to point up every little thing you're going to spend the most time with a C and they're not going to make a decision right away. They're going to want to process it. You're going to have to dig real deep with a deep down a C in order to get what they want out of it. Okay.
00:15:10:22 | Brian Tash | So they're going to you need to give them as much time you might when you're going on a listening console, you're going to probably have to do a three hour one, two and a half to 3 hours, whereas a B is going to be somewhere in the 45 minute to an hour range. So you need to give them a lot more slack and a lot more detail and a lot more to work with.
00:15:26:22 | Matt M. | That's huge. And I mean, I think in this market, right when inventory, we're back at a four, back at a point when inventory is tight, we are agents are fighting for every single deal. I think it makes a lot of sense to put the time into going deep to figure out how your clients need to be communicated with and how you need to work with them.
00:15:44:16 | Matt M. | It's not worth losing a deal or putting more time in than you need to or putting less time in when simply understanding the personnel that could get you a lot further. And if you're not sure, Google it right like the disk personality profiles are one of many. There's a lot of ways that you can understand your clients, but this is one that people in our industry have found to be successful.
00:16:03:04 | Matt M. | So get back to a couple of the things we're talking about. Where is your business at today? So we know that in 2012 you start getting some systems, you changed up some broker stuff and your business started really heading towards an upward trajectory. Where are you today.
00:16:18:03 | Brian Tash | As far as year to date from January to now?
00:16:21:10 | Matt M. | Where were you in 2022? Maybe that's a better.
00:16:23:10 | Brian Tash | 2022. It was about 21 million. Now it's a year in St Louis. You have our sales prices about 254200 to 3000. And so our average sale price was about 335. So we did about 6162 units for about 21 million. And you know, and we're like, we're not a team. I mean, there's myself and I have ap1, which is an assistant, and then I have an assistant, a showing assistant that's on salary.
00:16:52:13 | Matt M. | There is no other commissioned agent on your team. You have a licensed showing person.
00:16:57:01 | Brian Tash | Yeah. And as far as somebody that generates leads, I'm pretty much the sole person now. You know, Emma, my wife is showing assistant something, does some supplemental stuff and brings in clients. But, you know, this is a lot of I can I dissected my business plan from last year and 80 85% of my business was past clients for past client referrals.
00:17:16:23 | Brian Tash | So that's what my business looks like. It's very warm. We're not huge on paid low hanging fruit region situations. We like to really farm and dig and go deep with our clients to make a personalized experience. But we try to go above and beyond to make the experience really, really, really something to talk about. So the word spreads.
00:17:38:04 | Matt M. | The Neighborhood Realtor podcast is proudly made possible by the support of our sponsors. Treadstone Funding and Neighborhood Loans, Two amazing Midwest mortgage companies that now have offices all around the country. If you're a realtor and you'd like to learn more about connecting with one of our lenders, Demian Matt Must be and or connecting with someone in your market.
00:17:55:08 | Matt M. | If you're a lender and you want to join the right mortgage company in DME and I'll connect you as well, he'll give me a couple of examples of how you make that experience. Need to talk about. I mean, you know, as someone I bought a couple of houses in my lifetime, a couple of the experiences were more memorable, but a lot of times it's like, oh, found a house online or an offer in maybe beat up one of the person lost out, got the house, went to closing.
00:18:15:17 | Matt M. | Those are who smells like Cigarets I get the keys and then it's like my realtor gives me a bottle of wine and a fruit basket and I'm done. I mean, what are what are people doing in Saint Louis to go above and beyond and make that a memorable experience?
00:18:27:01 | Brian Tash | Well, I mean, I could go with everybody in Saint Louis, but I got some examples here. So, for example, we have something going out and we're dropping off to our our VIP clients. So I got I bought the team brand, the TASH Agency. So we sent out we got this here too, and we are lucky to have you as a client and it's got a bag and we have a couple cups with some green grass in it and we have something to give to our all about uniform, which we like to know what people are all about.
00:18:53:05 | Brian Tash | We got some packets for coffee and then some Irish cream to make an Irish coffee for people to think of.
00:19:00:12 | Matt M. | Paddy's Day for. For those people that hear this, you know, two weeks later we're recording this. And so Paddy's Day is tomorrow. So I feel like it's pretty well.
00:19:07:16 | Brian Tash | Yes, it's going on well. So when we do some other things, some other stuff that we do, if we're going if we're going to a listing appointment, where we drop off is when, after I leave, I make our driveway call. And so we leave another bag with some grass in here and we leave a Starbucks car and a pair of socks and with a note, personalized note that says, Oh, thank you so much for the opportunity for to allow us to our thanks a lot for the opportunity.
00:19:35:13 | Brian Tash | So thanks a lot, too because of the Starbucks card. And then we would love the opportunity to knock your socks off. So we tried to do a little cheesy and memorable so that people will remember it. So that's that's one thing We have everybody fill out a form calling all about new forms or when we go to showings or go to inspections, we do a little branded bag with some treats, chips and some chocolate or, you know, Reese's, which is my favorite, to drop off notebooks for people.
00:20:03:13 | Brian Tash | And then when we go through when we're actually at inspections, we got these little branded tape measures and then we just by handed over to you and say, Hey, I was our team leader, measuring up to the rest of the competition.
00:20:14:01 | Matt M. | Which is cheesy, but it's also useful, right? Like everyone needs a tape measure. So there's like a huge reason that you're actually doing that.
00:20:19:24 | Brian Tash | Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, we do that and again, you know, this type of stuff, we have all these cheesy things that say it's on the house and we really bring snacks. But on a final walk through, what we do is we bring a little bottle of, you know, sparkling wine, champagne and we do a little cheers at the final walk through, you know, congratulating them at closing.
00:20:43:23 | Brian Tash | And one thing I forgot, be one second that I didn't.
00:20:47:01 | Matt M. | Absolutely.
00:20:48:03 | Brian Tash | We we also do these are other closing gifts. We have a personalized, you know, a little branded bag. And we have some essential stuff that we give to people we get to cast. Don't got, you know, paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, tide, you know, some things that when you're when you're moving, you don't have easy access because it's already boxed up.
00:21:08:07 | Brian Tash | So we tax on some Clorox wipes and then, you know, we have a we have a cut out a pizza cutter in case people will just tell you the first night you're having pizza. So that's kind of the stuff that we do instead of living here.
00:21:21:09 | Matt M. | I mean, that stuff is seriously useful, right? Like, so, yeah, you have not only some cheesy stuff, but people stuff that people legitimate need. I mean, who doesn't need cleaning products when they first move in What I what I want to go back to really quick though, because we've been doing this for ten years. So the all about you forms are fascinating to so many real estate professionals lenders, realtors aren't doing this yet in literally we have a Google doc or you can hosted on your website to get more traffic your website it's an all about you form favorite you know, favorite food, favorite booze, favorite soft drink, favorite restaurant in town, favorite charities, favorite
00:21:58:08 | Matt M. | type of animal. Are your kids person, a cat animal person or a, you know, whatever person. And we send it out to people just like you do. As soon as that relationship starts and we ask them to fill it out before our first meeting, it is on believable. Sometimes you find out you've a meeting coming in ten. We go out and if their favorite drink is a big gulp from 7-Eleven, we buy that for them ahead of time.
00:22:21:11 | Matt M. | Their minds are absolutely blown when they show up and they have a coffee from their favorite gas station. I mean, we've had someone want wanted like a Diet Coke from like a chicken from Chick-Fil-A chicken. And we were like, okay, let's have one of our executive assistants go wait in line for an hour to get this Diet Coke.
00:22:38:02 | Matt M. | But then they the client gets there. And it's unbelievable because no one has ever listened to that well and then acted on it. And if you're in customer service, like that's the place you want to be. So, Brian, kudos to you on following through with that. And that really leads to my final major question, which is a pretty deep topic.
00:22:54:04 | Matt M. | When we were talking before you walked me through the fact that a gigantic portion of your business is not coming from closed client referrals, it's coming from current client referrals and I think it's fascinating because when I talk to most agents, I'm like, All right, what do you do to ask for business? There you go. You know, at closing, I give them my little present and I ask them for more business.
00:23:15:17 | Matt M. | And I'm like, Oh, closing like the busiest time your client's ever had in their entire life outside of maybe having a baby. And you're asking personally about you. You're making it all about you and not about them. So your strategy is a little bit different. You're going for the current client referral. That's an in process one. So walk us through why you do it that way, although I can guess and walk us through kind of what you're doing and the results are having.
00:23:40:08 | Brian Tash | Well, I mean, first off, Fort Myers, most agents think that the way to go get more leads is to start spending on, like I said, some sort of lead generation process or. Yeah, right. Or any other kind of, you know, you know, any kind of gimmicky thing. And they're similar to that. If you get the you get the dollars to do it.
00:24:01:02 | Brian Tash | But current like referrals are free. There's a 100% profit factor on those. And so we look at everything from, okay, how can we be profitable? So to answer your question about if you're buying your house, you're in house mode. So all your friends, your family, your acquaintances, those that know you, your subject of conversation is largely about housing, whether you're shopping still you've lost out on owns, whether you're under contract, whether you're going through a nasty, you know, negotiation on repairs or inspections all the way through to when you're closing and moving in.
00:24:33:04 | Brian Tash | The subject matter is housing. So we from the from the onset, when we meet with somebody, whether it's a listing or a purchase, a buyer, the first thing is we're already programing them for here's what we're gonna do throughout this process where we completely transparent. We cannot survive. Our business cannot survive without you. And we are we are very much reliant on those that we work with to give really great referrals of those that they surround themselves with.
00:25:00:23 | Brian Tash | So we're Brooke's process. I'm going to ask you, you know, that's been talked about making a move, a purchase or a sale, maybe even a lease, if that's something that's possible. And we do that throughout the process. We definitely do it whether I'm, you know, doing update calls, whether we're meeting with them in person, whether we're doing some sort of status, and we're programing that from day one because, again, it is already in their debt.
00:25:24:16 | Brian Tash | They already have friends that are moving, they already have family members. Oh, my brother's moving in town from, you know, from from New York or whatever the case may be. Boom, you got somebody there. How about this map? What if your brother's moved up from New York? Why don't we do a group tax? And that way I can reach out to him and get him set up, and then I'm programing him, too.
00:25:42:10 | Matt M. | So anything that you shoot and it's important, that little middle step there, what you just said, let's send out a group text. It's important to teach your clients how to refer you write code to help them spot what a good referral is for you, because it seems to me like half of the population out there that has never worked in sales and that isn't it isn't like us.
00:26:01:10 | Matt M. | They don't always think to make that referral, but when you tell them you want it, you teach them what a good referral is for you. You tell them what signs to look for in their network, and finally you let them know it's going to be appreciated and you tell them how to do it. You're at least giving yourself the full opportunity.
00:26:17:13 | Matt M. | And if you consistently do that and it's part of your process, it will happen and bear fruit.
00:26:22:18 | Brian Tash | Yeah, And, you know, I think that a lot of times when when this was first kind of like, you know, I never thought about this until I, you know, got into the coaching program and that was, oh, I don't want to be that pushy salesman, but it's really not. All you're doing is you're you're asking somebody what I mentioned before about without a lot of help, I wouldn't be where I am now.
00:26:40:23 | Brian Tash | I mean, I'm grateful to be on this podcast. I mean, that's huge. I love this. So, you know, we can't get anywhere without your help and that we're helping you and you're helping us. So let's help each other. I mean, it's a triangle trust, you know, we always talk about, you know, if Matt trusts me and you trust Matt, then you should just naturally trust me.
00:27:01:02 | Brian Tash | Let's close that triangle up. And that's largely how I see self, but how we presented it. People really don't have a problem with it, and I don't have any anxiety over asking for it.
00:27:11:18 | Matt M. | Well, that's the cool thing too. Like the minute you are, you know that you are truly helping someone and you believe it, right? Like you have to believe it. If you're not confident that you're actually helping someone, it's really hard to ask for something. And I know I've done a client, a huge solid, like I've asked them how I can help them and then actually help them.
00:27:29:04 | Matt M. | It's a lot easier to ask for something in return at that point. Plus, if we've really talked about it since the beginning, the transaction, they kind of know it's coming. You might want to just turn to someone in advance just to beat us to the punch on that one.
00:27:40:08 | Brian Tash | Absolutely. Absolutely. People need to understand that, you know, that that this is not just a salesperson pushing game. You actually have to care about your clients. You actually care that you're doing the right thing. You have to know and be confident that you're helping those people because you're the expert you are. And without you, you know, people think that we're in our job as a as a real estate agent is is kind of obsolete.
00:28:04:11 | Brian Tash | That is not true. When you get into suck in a pickle. We're the ones that that wedge out of it. So no, you're worse and make people know that you have that confidence.
00:28:15:21 | Matt M. | So the thing that I want to end on is so I know I was connected to you through one of your referral partners, Greg. I'm one of your lenders, and one thing that you do a really good job of is you do a great job of looking for opportunities to refer the people in your network. Talk us through that and what it's led to in your business.
00:28:36:05 | Brian Tash | Well, I think that a lot of times, you know, you have to get to recognize those that help you get there and so you reciprocate. It's just that, you know, it's just that law of reciprocity, you know, that they helped you get somewhere. So it's I don't say it's an obligation, but, you know, you have you have that kind of that that desire to go and just make sure that you you pass that along to them.
00:28:56:19 | Brian Tash | So, you know, I always relate people to how it was with me. Well, he did my personal finance and I trust him. And that goes back to that triangle of trust that, you know, I trust Rafe. Greg is a wonderful he's a great friend and he's awesome at what he does. And you trust me. So why wouldn't you trust Greg to do the job I know he can do?
00:29:16:14 | Brian Tash | Because I did it personally for myself, and most of the time it's a no brainer. So we do that. You know, those that especially those that are, you know, specters, you know, property, casualty insurance, you know, financial advisors, we like to make sure that we, the business partners around us, are not just we're not just receiving you have to give back.
00:29:35:05 | Brian Tash | And when you give it, you do receive in all facets of aspects of life.
00:29:39:14 | Matt M. | We think that is something that everyone on this, on this podcast can really take and do. So most people, if they're good in sales, they at least track the referrals they receive. And something I don't see a lot as people tracking the referrals that they're giving. And I think it's a really great indicator of business because if you can track the referrals that you give, you can start to measure your growing social capital and you don't always get one referral back for every one that you send.
00:30:04:09 | Matt M. | But if you send out ten, you're getting something there, whether that's another opportunity, connections that they could give you. Thank you, praise. I don't know what it is. Feel you feel good internally there's a lot of reasons to do it and I think more of us should be tracking the referrals that we're giving in addition to the ones that we're receiving.
00:30:21:03 | Matt M. | But Brian, speaking of referrals, all the agents listening today, like if someone has a client moving to the Saint Louis area, how would they get a hold of you and what's the best way for them to do it?
00:30:32:04 | Brian Tash | So we have you can get a hold of me by contacting the phone number of 33148937870. Or you can email me at Brian at the agency as telecom be happy to engage on a zoom or in person. Well I'm a very personal person kind of guy and so you can engage with us and then we have our website can go to it's WW w dot the tash agency dot com and inquire on there as well.
00:31:01:09 | Matt M. | Know if someone offers you a deal do they get a pair of socks or one of the one of the many swag boxes of Doritos chips that you send or what should they. I'm just kidding. You know.
00:31:10:22 | Brian Tash | What.
00:31:11:18 | Matt M. | We socks would be cool. That could be that could be.
00:31:13:19 | Brian Tash | Socks or socks. You mean that they want a pair of socks? I'll be happy to do that. But they need to know about you for them and they'll definitely know what to send them.
00:31:20:17 | Matt M. | That's awesome. Brian, thank you so much for joining the show today. We're looking forward to having you on again.
00:31:25:06 | Brian Tash | All right. Thanks for that. Appreciate your time. Thanks for having me.