Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast

A Brief Welcome

Brooke Richie-Babbage

I’m your host Brooke Richie-Babbage. Each week on the Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast, I’m going to do a deep dive into the strategies and mindset behind launching, scaling, and leading a high-impact nonprofit. Today, I’m happy to present you with a welcome episode to outline more of what’s to come and my personal background.

With over 20 years experience as a social entrepreneur, a nonprofit leader, a professor, a consultant, and an executive coach, I know what it is really like in the trenches doing the work. In this show, I want to talk about the truth of this work; the highs and the lows. I want to go beyond what the blogs, books and workshops tell you.

Let me explain why I decided to create this show. I love podcasts. To me, they are the perfect vehicle for learning and storytelling. I also wanted to share my superpower, which is strategy. I love to create order out of chaos and make actionable paths to transformation.

The name Nonprofit Mastermind came out of my own Executive Director mastermind of sorts. For 7 years, I have met with a group of incfredible female Executive Directors for breakfast once a month. We have fostered a supportive community, shared resources, and examined our failures and our successes. We are honest and open with one another,  have always shown up with a spirit of abundance, and have approached our work together with an orientation towards action.

That is the reason I am starting this podcast. I want to foster that same sense of community and support to help others create change. Together I hope we can set in motion true transformations.

Want to work together?

Apply for the Next Level Nonprofit Accelerator, a high-touch coaching and training accelerator for established organizations that want a smart, powerful playbook for taking their growing organization to the next level.

Join The Collective, a community of practice for nonprofit leaders who want to build and strengthen the organizational pillars that drive growth!

Connect with me!