Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast

Building & Leading Teams Fueled By Trust, with Darcy Richie

May 04, 2021 Brooke Richie-Babbage

This week’s guest is very very special to me - she’s a long-time leader in the education, youth development, and nonprofit space, and she’s also my sister.

Darcy Richie is the Senior Director of Programs and Impact for Generation Citizen. I invited her to join me to talk about something that lies at the core of almost any conversation about effective leadership - communication. More specifically, I wanted to talk about the how and the why of building teams. 

I’ve taken to calling Darcy the communication whisperer. Like one of those people who can be in any situation, with any group of people, and find her way to the heart of what they are trying to communicate. She has a unique way of making people feel truly seen and heard, which is really what communication is all about, and most critically for her work, she is able to help others do that for one another. 

She’s been building and sustaining high-impact teams her entire career, starting when she was the founding principal of a charter school at the age of 25. She’s built and managed national teams, and remote teams - small intimate teams, and sprawling layered…  At the root of it, she’s excellent at communicating, and at helping build the capacity of those around her to do so effectively as well.

Want to work together?

Apply for the Next Level Nonprofit Accelerator, a high-touch coaching and training accelerator for established organizations that want a smart, powerful playbook for taking their growing organization to the next level.

Join The Collective, a community of practice for nonprofit leaders who want to build and strengthen the organizational pillars that drive growth!

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