Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast

How Shifting From Gifts To Relationships Can Increase & Deepen In Your Kind Support, with George Suttles

Brooke Richie-Babbage

This is week two in my series on fundraising for early-stage organizations. During this brief series, I’m bringing back some of my favorite conversations from my Fundraising Virtual Summit last year  - these are interviews with incredible folks on topics ranging from how to think about building relationships with corporations to brandraising. 

As I’ve mentioned, when I started the podcast and called it the Mastermind, I had in mind the amazing group of women that I met with as my own mastermind for years when I was an ED. They were instrumental in my growth and success as a leader, and in the growth and success of my organization. This was largely because we talked about, workshopped, and shared information on everything from how to sustain ourselves in our work - which we’ve touched on in this podcast - to how to rethink benefits so that our financial decisions were reflective of our core organizational values.  I got information that fed my mind and information that was concrete and actionable - and that combination was powerful. 

So that’s what I’m excited to do here.  This short series is heavy on the concrete and actionable!

In today’s episode, I have a great conversation with George Suttles, one of the most gifted relationship-builders I’ve ever met. This conversation about how to build relationships that translate into in-kind organizational support is a fantastic one.  

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