Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast

Hard Won Leadership Lessons & The Secrets To Real Growth, A Conversation With Four Inspiring Leaders

Brooke Richie-Babbage Season 1 Episode 24

This week, I'm sharing a recording from a really great panel discussion that I facilitated with four inspiring nonprofit leaders who each grew their organizations to $1M and beyond: 

  • Jill Eisenhard, founder and former ED of the Redhook Initiative 
  • Kemi Ilesanmi, ED of The Laundromat Project 
  • Steve Choi, former ED of the Min Kwon Center and the NY Immigration Coalition 
  • Suzy Myers-Jackson, former ED of Opening Act

This conversation goes behind the scenes of what it actually looks and feels like to grow an organization to $1M and beyond.  They each share some of the key lessons they learned - often surprising -  on their journey to both grow as leaders and grow their organizations.  

Want to work together?

Apply for the Next Level Nonprofit Accelerator, a high-touch coaching and training accelerator for established organizations that want a smart, powerful playbook for taking their growing organization to the next level.

Join The Collective, a community of practice for nonprofit leaders who want to build and strengthen the organizational pillars that drive growth!

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