History of Education Society UK Podcast

2.3 - Technology & The Historian with Adam Crymble

March 14, 2022 History of Education Society UK Season 2 Episode 3

On today’s episode, we speak with Adam Crymble about his new book, Technology and the Historian, which looks at the history and development of digital history as a discipline in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. Adam’s book focuses on the (longer than you might expect) history of using computers to do historical research and the different ways historians have integrated digital methods into their work. We discuss this history, as well as the ways that combining intellectual history with a history of academic practice can help illuminate the development of disciplines.   

Adam Crymble is a Lecturer of Digital Humanities at UCL and a historian of migration and community, with a particular focus on early modern London. He also has a strong interest in global digital humanities and collaborates with scholars working to implement digital humanities strategies for their local contexts. He currently helps lead the Programming Historian, a peer-reviewed and open access source for digital skills tutorials that is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. You can see more of his work on TikTok (yes, TikTok).

A transcript of the episode is available at the History of Education Society website, along with more information about our events, publications and conferences. You can follow the History of Education Society UK on Twitter and keep up-to-date with the latest research in The History of Education journal.