History of Education Society UK Podcast

2.4 - Holocaust Education in Britain with Daniel Adamson

History of Education Society UK Season 2 Episode 4

In today’s episode, we continue our series on graduate student research with an interview with Daniel Adamson. We discuss Daniel’s research on how the British response to the Holocaust is represented in schools and museums, as well as how Daniel uses approaches from memory studies to information his research. 

Daniel Adamson is a PhD student at Durham University whose research focuses on representations of the British response to the Holocaust in schools, museums and other educational settings. Daniel writes for The Conversation, as well as the British Association for Holocaust Studies’ blog and the University of Cambridge ‘Doing History in Public’ project.

A transcript of the episode is available at the History of Education Society website, along with more information about our events, publications and conferences. You can follow the History of Education Society UK on Twitter and keep up-to-date with the latest research in The History of Education journal.

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