History of Education Society UK Podcast

2.6 - Networks of Empire with Brianna Lafoon

History of Education Society UK Season 2 Episode 6

Today’s conversation picks up on the discussion of American imperial education from our last episode. I speak with Brianna Lafoon, who researches the education networks that formed within and between the mainland United States and its colonial holdings. We discuss how these networks operated, the practices and ideas they spread, and how an imperial perspective informs the history of mass schooling in the United States.

Brianna Lafoon is a historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and she is a PhD candidate in the History Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to her experience as a researcher, she has ten years of educational experience in New York City - seven years classroom experience as a secondary school teacher and three years as an instructional coach.

A transcript of the episode is available at the History of Education Society website, along with more information about our events, publications and conferences. You can follow the History of Education Society UK on Twitter and keep up-to-date with the latest research in The History of Education journal.