Tele-Whiskey: Digital Conversations that Provoke
Those great conversations that only happen over a pint at the pub, a splash of bourbon before dinner, a cuppa tea during a mid-morning break, or some coffee over a tasty breakfast. Semi-filtered, some strong opinions, and you might not agree … but we will certainly get you thinking…We are not here to define and solve problems. We are here to talk about stuff that most people don’t want to talk about – non-Politically Correct tech, vulnerable leadership, “inside baseball” for corporate life. Join us for a "telewhiskey"...
Tele-Whiskey: Digital Conversations that Provoke
3. Plan B
December 14, 2020
James P. MacLennan
Season 1
Episode 3
Two tastes that go great together … “peanut butter and whiskey?” Well, yes, but I was thinking “Supply Chain and IT!”
The third episode of Tele-Whiskey brings us another digital leader and their Shown the Door (Lessons Learned When I Lost My Job) story. We will listen to Dan Kavanaugh, Director of Business Applications at Akorn Pharma, tell the story of how he drove operational improvements through IT, then Supply Chain. There is only so much you can do before it’s time to look in the mirror …
Dan opens up about his “end game” (and lack thereof), and we call out some great Lessons Learned for digital professionals at all levels.
Links for resources in this episode, plus music and other credits, can be found on Maker Turtle.