Aspire with Osha: art, nature, humanity

"World Peace Begins at Home" with Parenting Coach, Nurse Rona Renner

Osha Hayden / Nurse Rona Renner Season 4 Episode 22

Parenting Coach & Temperament Specialist, Nurse Rona Renner, talks with Osha about parenting, temperament & sensitive kids.  Nurse Rona is author of, Is That Me Yelling? A Parent's Guide to Getting Your Kids to Cooperate Without Losing Your Cool. 

You'll learn about the 4 C's of discipline, strategies for handling tantrums, the use of mindfulness in parenting and much more.

Rona Renner is host of “About Health" call-in radio show, KPFA 94.1FM, Mondays 2PM.
She has been a guest expert on national television segments on CNN and 20/20, was a monthly guest for 3 years on ABC 7’s The View From The Bay, and has been on radio for over 15 years.  She is co-founder of Childhood Matters, radio show and helped to start the Nuestros Niños radio show in Spanish with Marisol Munoz-Kiehne.

For over 40 years, she has been dedicated to solving problems, helping people reduce suffering, and exploring preventive approaches to disease, discomfort, and stress.

She is the mother of Matt Renner, also a guest on Aspire with Osha,
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