Aspire with Osha: art, nature, humanity

The Dance of Sustainable Sharing With Carolyn North

Osha Hayden / Carolyn North Season 4 Episode 23

Imagine what our world would look like if it were sustainable and worked for the common good of all? My guest, Carolyn North, is already living it - as creator of the CommonSpace Community Land Trust and member of a sustainable community, Wild & Radish.

Worldshift Happens! Facing Down the Fear, Waking Up the World, -  is the most recent of the many books Carolyn North has written. Carolyn is an extraordinary woman who envisions a new story for our world. Her love of dance, art and writing are intertwined with her work as a healer and creative visionary.

Of the arts of dance and improvisation that she teaches, she says this: 
“As every moment seems to bring unbidden opportunities from the universe, every day of my life is filled with beauty and surprise. Ecstatic experience is the goal of my work, and I see ecstasy as the ultimate healer of all, from the personal to the cosmic.”

Carolyn quotes Terry Pratchett:
“There’s always a story. It’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.”

Learn more here:  Carolyn North Books

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