Aspire with Osha: art, nature, humanity

Women - Power Up Your Money Game! with Teresa Mitchell "Lady Money"

Osha Hayden/Teresa Mitchell-"Lady Money" Season 5 Episode 26

Do you ever worry about money and whether you’ll have enough to last?
On today’s show, Teresa Mitchell, also known as “Lady Money,” is here to talk about empowering you to take charge of your saving, spending & investments.

Teresa has learned that helping women connect their values with their money is a more powerful motivation to achieving financial security than any chart, graph or performance report she could ever present.

Teresa Mitchell is a newly retired Certified Financial Planner™  professional and investment compliance officer, dedicated to teaching women to make better, smarter and more value-aligned choices when it comes to saving, investing and spending.  She is the host and producer of the Lady Money Podcast.

Teresa coaches women and leads workshops and circles to support women to achieve control of their financial situations.

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