Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Disasterina is LA's Most Disastrous Drag Queen, host of the OUTtv series My Drag Is Valid, cast member of The Boulet Brother's Dragula Season 2, and star of the OutTv series Sado Psychiatrist! Listen to her get stoopid with her artsy fartsy, weirdo, fabulous frenz! Interviews, original music, comedy skits, trash poetry, obtuse aural segments will infiltrate your safe sound space! SO MANY TASTY EAR BITS!
Tasty Ear Bits, The Disasterina Podcast!
Very Scary Stories III (the sequel of the sequel)
Well, hello there naughty boys and girls! It is I, Disasterinaaaa! Welcome to the Tasty Ear Bits Podcast! Here, we all about da drag, da art, da trash, and da comedy haha!
As I’m sure you know we start every season here at Tasty Ear Bits in da Hallowhen times! And on this first episode of sleazon 4 we are gon to reprise our fan favorite Very Scary Stories series but this time with an evil twist! All da stories you hear on this Very Scary Stories Anniversary episode actually happened! That’s right people, we not fooling around, we wouldn’t kid a kidder! we got true tales of tantalizing terror! And I’m absolutely NOT going to use the term Spooktacular to describe et! What a lineup of grotesque ghouls we have for you! Ave Rose, Frankie Doom, Zwerg, Barney Scrotum, Siri, Dragpool, Amber St. James, and I might even have a scary true story for you too!
And we have some important Hallowhen news for youse! On Hallowhen October 31st OUTtv (OUTtv.com) will be broadcasting our crowdfunded supernatural horror/comedy short film Which Witch Won? It stars Landon Cider, Amber St. James, Foxie Adjuia, Felony Dodger, Charles Galin, and Greasy Bouffanti! Listen for da gory details!
Additional very scary music by: Atom Smith, Kent Holmes, Doctor Steevo, Satelle, Quemadios, and Disasterina!
Listen at TastyEarBits.com or Spotify or Apple Podcasts, etc.
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