St. Patrick Catholic Parish Podcast

Homily: Easter Vigil The Light of Christ Cannot Be Overcome | Fr. Mathias Thelen

St. Patrick Catholic Parish

In this homily given at St Pat's on the Easter Vigil (April 16, 2022), Fr. Mathias reflects how the Resurrection scatters the darkness of suffering and death in our own lives.  He uses the Paschal Candle as a symbol of the Light of Christ that each of us are given in baptism and carry in faith.  As Christians we are to keep the flame of faith burning brightly so we can be Jesus' light in the world. Just as every candle needs fuel and oxygen to stay lit, each Christian needs sacrificial love and the Holy Spirit in prayer to stay burning brightly.  Father exhorts everyone to live in courageous lights in the midst of our increasingly dark world so that proclaiming the Resurrection of Christ, we say to a world in darkness that there's nothing to be afraid of because Christ our Light cannot be overcome.