St. Patrick Catholic Parish Podcast

Homily: In the Threat of Censorship, Share the Truth in Love Anyway | Fr. Mathias Thelen

May 02, 2022 St. Patrick Catholic Parish

In this homily given at St Pat's on May 1, 2022, Fr. Mathias preaches about free speech and perennial attempts by those who resist Jesus to try to silence or censor Christian truth. Like the Sanhedrin who ordered the apostles to stop preaching Jesus in Acts of the Apostles, we too find people today who seem to resent the fact that the truth of God revealed to us by Jesus is spreading today. How are we to respond in this cultural moment in which Christians are bullied, harassed, marginalized, and even called names for simply teaching Christian truth? Fr Mathias offers two ways we can respond like the early Church in the face of just efforts to silence us.