St. Patrick Catholic Parish Podcast

4th Sunday of Easter: Good Shepherd Sunday: Jesus the Good Shepherd | Fr Graham Keep

May 09, 2022 St. Patrick Catholic Parish

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish” (John 10:28)

In this homily given at St. Patrick’s on the 4th Sunday of Easter (May 8, 2022), Fr Graham Keep speaks about Jesus the Good Shepherd desiring that all people be reconciled to the Father in the Spirit. All of humanity is made by and for union with God. Our fulfillment is in heaven, but there is an enemy who wants to rob, steal and destroy; to isolate us from our eternal destiny. Reviewing the kerygma: Relationship, Rebellion, Redemption and Response, we who are the sheep are called to mission. In our present time, we have moved from Christendom to an Apostolic Age.  There is an urgency to evangelize.  It is only possible to do so through the power of the Holy Spirit (see St. JPII Redemptoris Missio Chapter 3). Having Mary as our model, we are overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and present Jesus to the world.