Your Dream or Mine: The Next Chapter

You don't have to be an expert at everything with Jasmine Wythe

June 24, 2022 Episode 72

This week (OK it was ages ago that I recorded this but it's out this week) I talk to Jasmine Wythe of Fold Me Close pizza, a gorgeous, artisan style pizza business, all delivered out of a vintage blue van called Pam.

Jas joined one of my confidence workshops last summer when she was trying to decide whether to leave her corporate role and join her partner Pete in the business he had created during lockdown.

After the workshop she went away with a fire in her belly and not long after was working full time in the business, enabling it to grow even more quickly than it had before.

Our conversation was really powerful, not least because Jas reiterates that you don't have to be good at all of the things, and you certainly don't have to be an expert at everything to get started. You'll learn along the way, plus you will find great people to help you.

Have a listen and if you enjoy the episode do two things:

1. Subscribe and leave a five star review

2. Check out Fold Me Close on Instagram - you'll be drooling at the pizza photos.

Don't forget, if you want to work out what kind of dreamer you are, complete my brilliant new quiz. Click here to have a go! 

Do let me know the result? Tag me in your story on Instagram. 

See you next time my fellow dreamer.....